About this mod
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hand sculpted in race menu Chuck Norris based on real photo.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits

Based on this photo Chuck Norris save file. Hand made, pretty realistic Chuck. I tried to find a exsiting Chuck save file but there was nothing good in my opinion. So i made this great Chuck for my own. Finished main quest, first level for your ultimate sandbox experience with Chuck. All of your equpiment is in the chest. Sorry for my bad English. Feel free to make requests of new save files.
SCHWARZENEGGER and Modern Weapons Pack by MJP2008
For amazing weapons and well fitting followers
TK Dodge by tktk
For comando style badass dodges and rolls
SkyUi and of course SKSE
ApachiiSkyHair by Apachii
with apachiiskyhair and apachiiskyhairmale (latest version both)
RaceMenu by Expired
And legal copy of The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim