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About this mod

Follow the Headless Horsemen to find his unique Sword!
(this Sword is based on the Sword of the Headless Horsemen from the Movie "Sleepy Hollow")

Permissions and credits
[size=8]Hessian Sword[/size]

any critics and suggestions are welcome ;)


This Mod adds the Sword of the Headless Horsemen from the Movie "Sleepy Hollow" to the Grave of the Headless Horsemen in Skyrim !

This Sword can NOT be craftet, if you want to have it, keep looking for the Headless Horsemen at Night and follow him.

(please note that this is a Onehanded Sword and the Sword is normaly on your right side, due to some mods it's on the back of my Character, please dont be confused ;) )

For those who can not find it or are too lazy to find it:
You find the sword laying ont the tomb at Hamvir's Rest


This Mod doesn't require any other Mods

Extract to skyrim\data\ 
and enable the ESP in SkyrimLauncher or NMM 

Or you can simplely intall it with NMM


-Sword added

-Sword is now upgradeable (i forgott to add it *shame one me* ) 

I'm planning to make more Weapon Mods (especially Daggers and Stuff) so if you have any suggestions, please tell me


Bethesda for the Game
TheThirdRace for MPT