About this mod
Follow the Headless Horsemen to find his unique Sword!
(this Sword is based on the Sword of the Headless Horsemen from the Movie "Sleepy Hollow")
- Permissions and credits
This Mod adds the Sword of the Headless Horsemen from the Movie "Sleepy Hollow" to the Grave of the Headless Horsemen in Skyrim !
This Sword can NOT be craftet, if you want to have it, keep looking for the Headless Horsemen at Night and follow him.
(please note that this is a Onehanded Sword and the Sword is normaly on your right side, due to some mods it's on the back of my Character, please dont be confused ;) )
For those who can not find it or are too lazy to find it:
This Mod doesn't require any other Mods
Extract to skyrim\data\
and enable the ESP in SkyrimLauncher or NMM
Or you can simplely intall it with NMM
-Sword added
-Sword is now upgradeable (i forgott to add it *shame one me* )
I'm planning to make more Weapon Mods (especially Daggers and Stuff) so if you have any suggestions, please tell me
Bethesda for the Game
TheThirdRace for MPT