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About this mod

A small, hidden Akaviri-styled player home with no load screens, lots of static storage, and all crafting necessities.

Permissions and credits
Danya's Retreat

This is a small playerhome I designed for myself and though I would share here on the nexus. It uses a house and furniture models by breti along with many other models/textures from modders listed below in the permissions and credits. The house is a mix of Akaviri and Nordic styles, as if Blades from Tamriel created their own Akaviri-styled house.

  • A small and secluded Akaviri-styled player home
  • No load screens
  • Static items and decor that won't go flying around if you accidentally shout
  • Static Storage for everything like books, ore, weapons, and more
  • Fully Navmeshed
  • A room for a follower
  • Cooking pot, forge, workbench, sharpening wheel, tanning rack, smelter, alchemy table, and enchanting table
  • Beautiful scenery - one large and one small waterfall behind it, one large waterfall in front, mountains nearby, and a small pond beside the home.

The mod will be updated regularly as bug reports come in. If you would like something added to the mod please feel free to ask. If you'd like to make a request for something that would cause a major change in the mod that I am capable of creating I can make another version of it and set it as another downloadable file. Just leave a comment if you have a request or have spotted a bug.


Thank you to all of the people listed below. I greatly appreciate their work and would recommend them to any modders looking for high quality and useful resources.

Modder's Resource Pack by Oaristys and Tony67:
BookSets Resource by Blary:
Orient Set by Garnet:
FoodContainer Resource by Blary:
New World Modder Resource by breti:
Lolicept Resources by LOLICEPT:
Jokerine's Misc Resources by Jokerine:
Darkfox127 for his amazing tutorials:

Mods Used in Screenshots:
  • Seasons of Skyrim ENB:
  • Vivid Weathers:
  • Skyrim HD 2k Texture Pack Complete:
  • More Grass:
  • Static Mesh Improvement Mod: