About this mod
Pressing F5 will create a new full save rather than a quick save,pressing F9 will load latest full save rather than a quick save,for those people who dislike quick save or think that quick save will be overwrited in the next time, have to open system menu to save and load game again and again.
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V1.0.1:Add a new feature that you can open INI file to set the max amount of saves allowed to be created,the oldest saves will get deleted when saves' amount is greater than this value,set it to 0 to disable this feature.This feature is disabled by default.
Pressing F5 will create a new full save rather than a quick save,pressing F9 will load latest full save rather than a quick save,for those people who don't mind creating many saves,dislike quick save or think that quick save will be overwrited in the next time, have to open system menu to save and load game again and again.
You can open INI file to set the max amount of saves allowed to be created,the oldest saves will get deleted when saves' amount is greater than this value,set it to 0 to disable this feature.This feature is disabled by default.
This plugin also exports two console commonds:
DisableQuickSave:Enable this plugin,pressing F5 will create a new full save rather than a quick save.
EnableQuickSave:Dsiable this plugin,pressing F5 will create a quick save rather than a full save.
Need SKSE 1.7.1 or above.
MO/NMM/Data folder.
This is a SKSE plugin,no esp,no script,should be safe to insatall or uninsatall at anytime.
Himika for LibSkyrim.
SKSE team for SKSE.