About this mod
With this mod you can create or remove your custom map marker on the map.You can fast travel to these markers if fast travel is enabled.
- Requirements
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1.You can create or remove your own custom map marker, set its name and icon, no number limitation,you can fast travel to these markers if fast travel is enabled..I like to explore the world and then mark locations on my map,those mods that add map markers can't cover every locations in Skyrim and new lands added by other mods, so I released this mod.
2.After installing this mod,you will get a lesser power named Custom Map Marker.With this power you can mark your current location on map.If you cast this spell again at the same location,the map marker you placed in this location will be removed.
3.You can't place a custom map marker if there is a vanilla map marker in the neighborhood.
4.Shold be compatiable with any mods.This mod also works with all kinds of new land mods like Summer Isle etc,supports Enderal.
SKSE V1.7.3
This mod also provides a SKSE plugin MapMarkerUtil as modder resource,it defines some papyrus functions for modders who want to create custom map marker at runtime:
String Function GetMapMarkerName(ObjectReference akRef) native global
Int Function GetMapMarkerIcon(ObjectReference akRef) native global
Bool Function CreateMapMarker(ObjectReference akRef, String name = "", Int iconType = 0) native global
Bool Function RemoveMapMarker(ObjectReference akRef) native global
Bool Function IsCustomMapMarker(ObjectReference akRef) native global
WorldSpace Function GetRootWorldSpace(ObjectReference akRef) native global