About this mod
Playable female Racemenu preset that resembles Lara Croft.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
To use this preset, you will need:
- Racemenu
- Dimonized UNP Female Body OR BodySlide and Outfit Studio with UUNP Morphs
- Ponytail Hairstyles (you will need the main file AND the alternate hair textures)
- Demoniac Skin
- Mikan Eyes
- Maevan Eyebrows
When choosing options for your BodySlide, you will want:
- Options: Unified UNP
- Racemenu Plugin: Racemenu Morphs for Unified UNP
- Pre-built Morphable Bodies: Prebuilt UUNP + Morphs (or you can choose the HDT version if you want animated breasts and butt)
- UUNP Special Physics: None
When choosing options for Demoniac Skin, you will want:
- Body Type: UNP
- DiffuseMap: Realgirl + SG Head
- Normalmap: SG Normalmap (that's what's in the pictures but feel free to choose your own)
- SpecularMap: No Gloss (it will still be slightly glossy since Demoniac just does that)
- Subsurface Scattering: Subsurface Disabler (not exactly necessary but I recommend this option)
- Optional Files: You want all three options.
When installing Maevan's Eyebrows, choose the standalone version.
My Lara is a Breton so don't forget to choose the right race!
If you want the outfit, download Katarina Armor by NewerMind43.
By the way - the ENDORSE button doesn't bite...