About this mod
Remakes interior of the House at the Marketplace.
- Permissions and credits
- Italian
- Changelogs
- Remodels House at the Marketplace
- Added Tanning Rack, Cooking Station, Sharpening wheel, Anvil
- Lots of new containers for every need
- Potion Merger (allows you to merge low class potions into higher class depends on your Alchemy skill)
- Soul Gem merger (allows you to merge low class soul gems into higher class - Example: 2 petty soul gems = 1 lesser soul gem)
- More clutter (No more empty shelves)
- Auto Sorter
- Trash Basket (Refreshes every 24 hours)
- New Spell (Find it in Spell Tomes) you can "Send Items Home" to respective containers (like using Auto-Sorter).
It's a bit of a cheat (carry weight wise), so if you don't want to use it, just put it in a Trash Basket.
- Now windows reflect Day-Night cycle
- Mirror (Shows Limited Race Menu)
- Butcher of Ark Collection (Put Books in the Backpack Below the Shelf)
- Smelter
- Phasmalist station
- Bath (that gives buff - 10 Rhetoric + 50% Disease Resistance for 15 min)
- Soul Eraser (To free Small souls from Bigger Soul Gems)
- Phasmalist Necklace Container, Keys Container
- Linked Containers with Main House
- Faction Displays (To enable put corresponding item into Old Crate
(Golden Sickle - Replica of Scarabeus, get it in Theatre Stage
Rhalata quest - Flower neat two Atonements
read notes on the wall near mannequins
you can get those only at the End of the quests)
- Memorial (Pick up dead Moth in Ruined Ryneus house and put it in the Old Crate)
- For Weapons to Show on the Basement Wall - Put them in Weapons container (Main house or Basement) - List of Weapons (see note on the wall)
- 5 Mannequins aka Dolls (no wandering bug included)
- Unique Artifacts Display (now Unique Artifacts have Unique look, credits below)
(see screenshots)
Shadow Skin (previous Iron Shield)
Corpse Tooth (previously Ebony Dagger)
Dagger of Despair (Iron Dagger)
Shadow Stich (Dragon Priest Dagger)
Karek Amulet (Gold Amulet)
Hoof's Amulet (Gold Amulet)
Cloak of Twilight (Archmage Robes)
Robe of Inner Flame (Apprentice Robe)
Vestments of Mystery (Apprentice Robe)
Zu-Sherath Staff (Dragon Priest Staff)
Staff of Sick Soul (Restoration Staff)
I always loved Marketplace House the best, since it's most convenient one: Marketplace outside, cheep price (you can buy it pretty early in game) and Scroll "Teleport to Ark" takes you few steps from front door.
Only Enderal
(Updated for Forgotten Stories DLC)
You buy house like in vanilla in Bank (the cheap one, around 900 Pennies - House at the Marketplace).
When you enter house, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE buy furniture for 300 gold (Expansion Board).
Don't go roaming in the house, when it's not complete or you may knock things over.
I would recommend Jaxon's Positioner or Clean Up for positioning things, if you did knock thing out, but that's up to you.

* It is ok to install mid-game, with bought furniture or without.
Drop files into Data folder.
Delete files from Data folder.
Shouldn't be any problems, free to uninstall.
House Vanilla

House with this mod

Legacy of the Dragonborn (2 meshes from it: Armor & Weapon stands)
Insanity Sorrow’s Soap containers and soap meshes and Textures
Vanity Mirror (took mirror mesh from it)
KSHairdo's - Hair for mannequin
Female Mannequins - Head mesh
Unique Artifacts:
Now some unique artifacts have unique appearance.
Vestments of Mystery
Male texture - Opulent Outfits
Female Texture - Mage Robes
Female Mesh - Minidress Collection
Cloak of Twilight - Lind's Monk Robes Revamp
Robe of Inner Flame - Opulent Outfits
Dagger of Despair - Baltimore Weapons
Corpse Tooth - Fancy dagger (by elise)
Shadow Stitch - Nightingale Dagger
Shadow Skin - Moon Shields
Zu-Sherath Staff and Staff of the Sick Soul - Liam's Staves of Skyrim
Vivid Enderal ENB - Screenshots