StickyI added a new version that fixes mounted combat. (Thank you to Warvok for making a fix while I was gone.)
Important: I choose not to include RaceCompatibility.esm and it's scripts in my mod any more. You will have to download that mod separately (see Required Files up top ^ for link.)It includes a NMM installer so that you can choose to include DLC/Mod compatibility fixes.
Future: I'm working on a new version that makes my mod a master. [ s ] Unfortunately, it will mess up your character. You will have to change races so stats and faces will get messed up. Just want to warn you guys to soften the blow a little. I will play around with it and see what the best way to minimize impact is, but from my trials, it will be a little more difficult than a normal update. RaceMenu CharGen would probably be required for best results. [ /s ]
Disregard, setrace seems to work fine.-
could you make everyone recognize my character according to its race? like if playing as custom nord, other npc still consider you as a nord?
I am not sure, but is this mod not good for devilhackers question?
RaceCompatibility - DialogChanges by DetectiveToaster (nexus) -
would like a solution to this as well, makes me sad to miss some of the few yet cool dialogues about my race
Well, it might be time to put this question to rest.
It does. Straight out of the box! (Or achieve? Nexus? Eh, whatever.) -
Sorry, born-again-skyrim modding n00b here... but I'm a little confused.
You state in your description of this mod that you "have included the necessary files in the archive so nothing else is required." Right?
Then, you have several places in the description that talks about RaceCompatibility.esm and that they're checked in NMM or Steam Launcher.
However, the download itself states it doesn't contain RaceCompatibility.esm, yet is required?!?
So, is it necessary?
I appreciate all the work, really I do. However, for a noob that hasn't modded Skyrim in almost 2 years, this is highly confusing. :/
I'm also stumped, because I can install the mod with NMM, yet I need to copy certain files manually? Or is it all handled through the NMM? -
Se comment below as I don't want to clutter up the sticky too much. -
When I tried to edit my character in showracemenue, her eyes were reset to the 1st option and all the eyes from all my mods weren't available as choices. I can't find any way to fix it.
EDIT: I found a workaround. you use showracemenu to change gender, save, load, then switch back. unfortunately using racemenu presets brings it back, but at least I kept my skills -
First, you can easily avoid your stats getting messed up by downloading Showracemenu alternative (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/20394/?). Secondly, could you implement that the custom races use the cbbe body preset i build for myself? because all my armors are bodyslided for that one, i didnt create it for nothing and also i dont like the breasts so big. thank you everybody, just wanted to mention it. have a nice day.^^
trying ot get this mod to work with https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/100306?tab=description this body mod, but when i go to the custom race in racemenu the main race is fine but the custom race still is clothed
how do i fix this
I'm not sure if this mod still gets any any attention these days, but I'm having an issue using this with High-Poly Heads.
There's a distinct neckseam with color mismatch when using this mod's races with the aforementioned HPH mod. Changing complexion sliders fixes the issue, but it comes back everytime you load the save, be it a new "fixed" save or the same one. Does anyone know if there is any permanent fix to this issue? -
this mod is so great but i wish this could also work for armors!
Have the race, but no custom vanilla armor? Is there such a thing? Something that has an extra set for each new race to have unique body variation for the player?
How do I make this work with the XM skeleton?
I use a lot of HDT armors.. and they do not work on this body. i've tried everything I can think of and it just doesn't seem to work-
Open this mod in Xedit/TES5Edit. Click on race mod > then race > then scroll down or type "skeletal" in the search box (filter by name) on the right side of the screen. 2 lines will pop up: one for the male and one for the female. Place these lines in there place:
ANAM - Male Skeletal Model : Actors\Character\Character Assets\skeleton.nif (if beast it will be skeletonbeast.nif)
ANAM -Female Skeletal Model : Actors\Character\Character Assets Female\skeleton_female.nif (if beast it will be skeletonbeast_female.nif)
Want to get an immersive first-person? Click on First Person Flags (sorted) in BOD2 -Biped Body Template and a drop-down menu will appear. Click on the following : 44,50,51,54,56,59, and 60. Save changes once done. -
Alternately, I copy the needed skeletons from XPMSE and drop them into the directories containing the vanilla skeletons, overwriting them.
Thank you soooooo much for this comment, I have been trying to figure this out for the longest time. I really want to play as a vanilla race, but I also want to have a custom body seperate from all other bodies of the same race.
I want npc to recognize my custom races as the default races; so when I use customnord, npc will refer to me as a nord.
How can I do this? Can this be done using TES5 edit?
It doesn't matter who answer, just anybody that knows the answer -
Can i use separate hdt xmls for each race? I want my custom bosmer female's small boobies less bouncy
Hi. I've tried to change the Custom Elves head mesh to a Nord head mesh. I've removed them Custom from the custom elves head parts form lists and added them to the Nord and Human head parts formlists. ive changed race morphs to nord in the race general areas. but in racemenu in game they still utilize elven face shapes and parts, even though they are no longer using them in creation kit. Do i need to otherwise update my racemenu plugin somehow?
my texture works for a while but then turn black. How do I fix it?