About this mod
This is the second follower in my little series of vampire clan heads. Not much is known about Dhaunayne, other than that she was the matriarch of Clan Aundae.
- Permissions and credits

Dark Liege Dhaunayne,
You asked for a detailed description of my experience last night and the reasons for my plea to House Dres for another assignment. I hope I have served you well in my capacity as informant in the court of Prince Helseth, a man who I have stated in many previous reports could teach Molag Bal how to scheme. As you know, I've spent nearly a year now working my way into his inner circle of advisors. He was in need of friendship when he first arrived in Morrowind and eagerly took to me and a few others. Still, he was disinclined to trust any of us, which is perhaps not surprising, given his tenuous position in Morrowind society.
- Unknown writer, A Game at Dinner
Dhaunayne is unarmored and has a simple steel dagger that she'll use in emergencies. In her possession she has two powerful artifacts; the Aundae signet ring and the coveted bottle of ancient Aundae blood. If you drink it, the blood of the Aundae masters will mix with yours and instantly turn you into a vampire. As always, I highly recommend the use of a follower framework such as AFT or EFF as well as Relationship Dialogue Overhaul to get the most out of your followers.
Name: Dhaunayne Aundae
Race: high elf
Location: Hall of the Dead catacombs, Solitude
Body type: UNP
Weight: 40
Voice: darkelf
Essential: yes
Marriable: yes
Install using a mod manager of your choice or manually extract the contents to your Data folder. No mods or DLCs are required.
Q: Can you make a version with a different body/warpaint/hair etc?
A: No. If there is something you want to change, do it. If you don't know how, ask in the comment section and I'll help you out. We all like different things, I go with what I like.
Q: Will you share the preset?
A: You can find my presets here.
Q: How do you pronounce her name?
A: Beats me. I just say 'Dawn-ein'.
Q: What is she wearing in the pictures?
A: Mods used in screenshots: Ultimate Assortment, Apachii Divine Elegance Store. Poses by Halo.
Q: Why aren't the outfits included?
A: Why I will never include outfits.
Q: Can I include your follower in a mod?
A: No.
DIMONIZED UNP female body by dimon99
Fair Skin Complexion by hhaley
KS hairdos renewal by kalilies, stealthic khaos & shocky
Brows by hvergelmir
Runic Eyes by innova889
Hi-res Vanilla Warpaints by tara
RaceMenu by expired
Big thanks to these amazing mod authors for their great work, and for letting me use their assets.
Read all about my mod permissions on my profile.