About this mod
These dangerous and solitary predatory felines are fast, agile and, like all cats, devilishly cunning. Whether in surprise ambush attacks or head-to-head confrontations, the sharp claws and powerful jaws of one of these panthers is always a force to be reckoned with.
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- If you use, like and value my work, please consider giving an endorsement. I've worked hard for years to offer you the best of me for free, and the only thing I ask in return is this gesture, which increases my relevance and engagement on Nexus, and motivates me to continue;
- I do not inspect or have any influence over translations of my mods (including those linked directly on my pages), nor do I have any power over patches or add-ons made to my content. So, before using any unofficial add-ons for my mods, make sure they conform to the latest version of my official release, and never use these if they don't. The same applies to Xbox ports;
- In addition to the Nexus, you can find me on Youtube and on my Discord server;
- Do you have any doubt? Read my Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

Mountain Lions are considered the most dangerous of the medium-sized predatory cats. Despite being smaller and lighter than a panther, they beat it in agility and tenacity. They are mostly native to Cyrodiil, but a population can be found inhabiting southern Skyrim. They hardly pose a deadly danger to a well-armed adult, but they are known to cause damage in farms near forests or mountains, as they hunt livestock such as sheep and goats.
Snow Leopards are the rarest of the large predatory cats that can be found in the snowy mountains of Skyrim and High Rock. They are now very rare due to the high value of their luxurious fur, which has made hunters go on a killing spree in the past, drastically reducing their numbers. Some have also been spotted on the snowy peaks of Solstheim. Leopards, like all other panthers, are known for the incredible strength of their jaws, which surpasses even that of other larger predatory cats.
The only panther native to Skyrim is in fact the Snow Leopard mentioned above, however, due to the heightened interest in exotic pets, some people with financial means are able to import from distant provinces some other panther specimens. In my recent travels through Skyrim, I remember encountering a Leopard living in the court of the Jarl of Falkreath, and meeting a Redguard named Tonilia, walking through the lower portion of Riften accompanied by a Black Panther, both animals native to Hammerfell. It should be noted that Black Panthers are not a distinct species, but a Leopard or Jaguar with a color mutation, which gave it an almost completely black hue. In the case I mentioned, the panther was a mutated Leopard."
by Beastmaster Mihail *
(*Who is Beastmaster Mihail? He is my avatar/persona within the universe composed of all my mods. He is the ingame author who writes the texts that are usually presented as descriptions for my mods. A former monster hunter, now a dedicated scholar, he is planned to be released as an NPC in late 2022/early 2023, doing the same job in-game as my descriptions do on Nexus.)

- 4 new creatures: Mountain Lion, Black Panther, Snow Leopard and Leopard
- 4 new misc items: Mountain Lion Pelt, Black Panther Pelt, Snow Leopard Pelt and Leopard Pelt
- 2 new spells: Summon Black Panther and Summon Leopard (they can be bought from the bosmer court mage Wylandriah, who will randomly have them for sale; you can also steal the two spell books from her room inside Mistveil Kepp.)

So far no incompatibilities have been found between this mod and other mods.
(OBS- If by chance when installing several of Mihail's mods at the same time you are asked about files overwriting those of other Mihail mods or other authors mods, don't worry because they are just the same files shared between mods. I recommend that on these occasions always give preference to the files contained in my mods, and among mine always give preference to the mod you are installing last.)

The Mihail Monsters and Animals series aims to create and make available to the community the most complete set of creatures for TES 5: Skyrim, implemented in an immersive and unique way, with respect to the pillars of lore. Instead of pathetically just throwing models and textures in the game reusing 100% vanilla mechanics, the creatures made by Mihail have uniqueness and extreme zeal in their idealization and implementation, which will provide you with an experience that you have never had before in this area.

- The last Skyrim Update
- DLC Dragonborn
- DLC Dawnguard
- DLC Hearthfire

Mihail- re-modelling of the original models, 4k textures, animations, loot, sounds, spells, effects, game implementation
Some assets used on this mod belong to:
CD PROJEKT RED - for the models and original textures