About this mod

Includes patches for GDO, RDO, iAFT, MVA and Andromeda - USSoS with Requiem 2.0

Permissions and credits

This is a patch repository for all patches I make for Requiem 2 during my Requiem play-through. All patches are made for personal use but they are free for use for all. I will also be adding information regarding load orders and compatibility of various mods with requiem here for anyone interested and future references. Also, I noticed some mods were incompatible with dawnguard so these patches take care of that too.

Please provide feedback for any bugs you encounter, since requiem is a big mod and I can't test every single use case scenario.

If you require patch for some incompatible mod I would be willing to look it over given it suits my tastes. Ask away in comments section.

NOTE: My earlier patches(Requiem 2 - RDO Patches) are also merged into this and won't be maintained anymore at the old link.

Requiem Compatibility Lists

List of all mods I checked against Requiem 2.0 and their compatibility status.

Integrated/Replaced by Requiem

  • Modern brawl bug fix

Compatible out of box

  • Paarthurnax Dilemma
  • Choice is yours
  • Farmers sell produce
  • Ask the way
  • Wet and Cold
  • Wet and Cold - Ashes
  • More tavern idles
  • Dynamic Things - Enahnced
  • Skyrim Flora Overhaul
  • UG2
Compatible with right Load Order

Before Requiem.esp:

  • Holidays.esp
  • Gildergreen Regrown.esp
  • Missives.esp
  • Lanterns of Skyrim - AIO - Dawnuard.esp

After Requiem.esp:

  • EFFDialogue.esp
  • Castle Volkihar Rebuild.esp
  • EnhancedLightsandFX.esp + all  its plugins

Compatible with Patches provided

  • RDO
  • GDO
  • More Village Animals
  • Immersive Amazing Follower Tweaks
  • Andromeda - Unique Standing Stones of Skyrim

Incompatible but patch is in works

  • Horses Gone Wild
  • Travellers of Skyrim


Q: Where is the FAQ?
A: You are reading it.......

Q: What is Requiem?
A: A Requiem or Requiem Mass, also known as Mass for the dead (Latin: Missa pro defunctis) or Mass of the dead (Latin: Missa defunctorum), is a Mass in the Catholic Church offered for the repose of the soul or souls of one or more deceased persons, using a particular form of the Roman Missal. It is frequently, but not necessarily, celebrated in the context of a funeral.

Q: Could we please have some sensible questions in this FAQ?
A: Yes, you shall from this moment onwards.

Q: Would you make a patch for Requiem and xx mod?
A: Depends on how big xx mod is and how much patching it needs. Do ask away in comments section though I am always willing to help out any damsel in distress ;)

Q: What is a Testing Release Patch?
A: Its a patch for a mod which I am not presently using or can't use on my setup. These are usually are only done on request and I would really love to have user feedback of them. After enough confirmations that they are working as intended I would remove "Testing Release" tag from them in installer.

Q: Do these patches work with Requiem 1.9.4?
A: NO!, these are strictly for 2.0.

Q: I am running into bugs/ctd/glitches while using your patches, help please!!
A: I usually only make patches for mods I use but still can't test every use case scenario in such a big game. Tell me in comments what problem you are encountering, be specific in its details and I would see if I could correct it in next patch.

Q: The patch for xx mod already exists in some other mod page, which one do I use?
A: None! its a propaganda by mod authors, you don't need patches!!!....well, jokes aside, any one should be fine as long as it takes care of all conflicts and synergy. Unfortunately this can only be checked through TES5Edit.

Q: I used to use your RDO/GDO_RDO/CRF_GDO_RDO patch from your old mod. Should I be worried shifting to this new system?
A: No you shouldn't, those were basically just merged patch of the single patch files we have right now. However, creating merged patches for all different mod combos when load order got big became counter productive so I shifted to methodology which Patch Central is using. Right now, if you need a merged patch see answer to next question.

Q: I am running our of esp limits due to all these patches!!! HELP!!
A: Use merge plugins script, testing the merged patch, however, is your and yours job alone.

Q: What if there are cross conflicts between patches?
A: Then I will make a patch that corrects conflicts of those 2 patches.

Q: What if its in more than 2?
A: Then I will  make x=nC2 patches  that correct conflicts in those n patches, with, x=xC2 patches that correct conflicts in x patches, so on and so forth until x becomes 0.

Q: I hate this FAQ, hope it ends soon...
A: It ended! ....and guess what, I WIN!! BOO YEAH!!

Q: What was that?
A: This faq is over don't ask anymore questions.