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About this mod

Simple Slavery adds a door to the Mistvale Keep which is used to enter the Auction house. This however does not exist in the Tamriel Worldspace, instead it exists in the 'RiftenWorldspace'.
This patch moves the Door and only the door, to the Tamriel worldspace version of Riften, added by Open Cities.

Permissions and credits
Simple Slavery adds a door to the Mistvale Keep which is used to enter the Auction house. This however does not exist in the Tamriel Worldspace, instead it exists in the 'RiftenWorldspace'.
This patch moves the Door and only the door, to the Tamriel worldspace version of Riften, added by Open Cities.

Ordinarily in the RiftenWorld worldspace- you would see torture devices outside the barracks in Riften.
I left them where they were - as I was only focusing on getting the Door moved.

Note: I did not rebuild the navmesh - So NPC's may not be able to travel between the auction house and Riften. This is possibly a good thing, last thing you want is the auction attendees wandering Riften instead of sitting and enjoying the auction.

This does mean that your followers may not follow either.

While this mod itself does not contain adult content, it does however rely on mods that provide the adult content.

You must have Simple Slavery and Open Cities Skyrim for this patch to work.
Loot should sort them accordingly - with this mod coming after both.