About this mod
Allow you to backstab and parry like Dark Souls.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
Thanks for your support and love for this mod. However, after these years, it has become a bit outdated (and the bugs are still difficult to fix). Therefore, for SE users, we strongly recommend the latest Zxlice B&P mod.
Merry Christmas.
2018.5.5 v1.2
1.Add MCM option to turn off the backstab of axes and hammers.
2.Fix a little bug.
*If you can't activate the backstab animation, try to download and install XP32 skeleton and let it overwrite everything.
*We still don't know how to tackle the "instantly killing" problem on the respawned NPCs.
2018.4.29 v1.1
1.Fix the CTD problem.
2.Fix the Invincibility bug.
3.Add MCM option to change the backstab window and parry time.
4.Improve some scripts to make it react faster.
*There is only one backstab animation for all kinds of melee weapons, because we don't know how to make a new killmove animation.
1.I'm not the author of this mod. FB is, but unfortunately he is too lazy to write the detailed description and upload his mod.
2.Both FB and I are Chinese, so please try your best to understand what I'm talking about if we make any language mistake (or you can help me correct it, for my coming IELTS test).
3.中文用户:如果你关注过FB在公民上发的simple combat,这是那个mod里的背刺弹反独立版,有更加细致的MCM菜单,并修复了少许bug。如果想用其他战斗组模的话可以选用这个。
This mod allows you to backstab and parry like Dark Souls, with detailed MCM settings.
*Backstab: When you stand behind someone and attack with melee weapon, it will play a backstab animation and do a huge damage to this one.
*Parry: When someone heavy-attacks you, your successful bash can activate a short slow-time effect. During this time your attack will be changed to a counterattack animation and also do a huge damage. You can let it work with normal attack in MCM.
This mod only effects on human NPCs, because FNIS doesn't allow us play a killmove animation to a monster without an instantly killing.
The NPCs can use backstab if you turn on the switch in MCM.
Preview Video
Critical Hit Prototype (with Potion Animated Fix)
Critical Hit 1.0
P.S. We don't have the permission to use the parry sound effect which is showed in this video, so in the real mod we use a sound made by myself. I hope that will not disappoint you.
A video made by Sinitar Gaming
SKYUI: In order to use the MCM menu.
FNIS: Please run it after installing Critical Hit.
It should be compatible with anything. However, if you use Ultimate Combat and active its special attack animations, you have a rare chance to meet some soft conflicts, such as incorrect animation interrupting or NPC stuck. It isn't harmful.
The mods we use in the videos are:
Lock-On by stradivuckos
Customizable UI Replacer by elxdark
Souls Quick Menu by Christian Weeks and Zachary McNellis
Floating Damage by Felisky384
Floating Health Bars by expired6978
TK Dodge and Ultimate Combat by tktk1
Potion Animated Fix by FB and I
Thanks to:
Bethesda for making the game
From Software for making Dark Souls
TheDriedFinger for the Dark Souls Combat mod
5poiler for the permission of using the backstab animation from Killmove Animation