About this mod
A book-driven quest mod that takes you on an adventure where you accompany a warrior that is searching to validate the legends of The gemstone Maidens. Custom follower, dungeon, armor, weapon, and all around RUTHLESS time.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Spanish
Learn more about upcoming Gemstone mods at https://www.facebook.com/groups/317176935377991/and at my Youtube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgheLAMTmjBXfxzykodh4NQ/videos?
The Story-
100 Years ago Molag Bal decided that the world should die, and gathered the evil energy of man's sin in order to create a being that would do just that. In defense, the Divines endowed 8 magical gemstones with power, and created 8 Gemstone Maidens, 4 of whom at that time fought Bloodstone, the created harbinger and servant of Molag Bal. After a fierce battle the maidens won, but only after the ultimate sacrifice of their own lives. This legend and the tale of Diamond,Citrine,Onyx, and Topaz has been passed down for generations, but no proof of this great battle was ever found...
...until now. There is rumor of a warrior from an all-but-extinct clan who knows where the ruins of this battle are. Find her. Find the site. Explore the ruins....and learn the truth of the legend of the Gemstone Maidens.
What you get with this mod (For you demanding ilk):
- 1 Custom Dungeon
- 1 Custom Follower
- 1 Custom Weapon
- 2 Custom Armor Sets
- 1 Shameless Setup for The Gemstone Prophecy NOW OUT! Play this then go to - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/91249
[color=#00ffff]The person you need to find is said to be a regular at the Nightgate Inn. Start your journey there, find the follower, follow the information in the books you encounter to make your way through the adventure. READ ALL THE BOOKS! Trust me, they aren't long, but they ARE the story.
- All DLCs
- A follower framework, like aft/ flp/eff, to control that type of stuff
- A thirst for adventure
- A desire to be RUTHLESS
- An hour or two of free time
- TPOS sticks a location right where the camp and cave are.
- This is an upgrade of Rolonce' the Shyeri, so If you have Rolonce' the Shyeri https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76921 or my other mod, The Five Ros https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/78758, you will find The original Rolonce' in the inn still, but she'll be MESSED UP, just let her be :)
Q - Gemstone Maidens? I thought you were making a big mod about that, with Amethyst, Ruby, Emerald and Sapphire. What happened to that mod??
A - It's a lot bigger than this one, but I'm finishing the fine tuning this weekend. The Gemstone Prophecy will launch May 5th, 2018. This mod is half prequel, half side story, but meant to be played first.
Q - The follower looks different in my game
A - I only use Imaginator, so if anything, "different" should be better i hope.
Recommended mods:
- Violens, with decaps on 100%, for maximum RUTHLESSness :)
- UNP Spice Gear, if you want Rolonce's Blades armor to look like the pics
- Tiwaa44 for letting me use the spice gear meshes
- Venjhammet, for being cool enough to just make and give me 2 dungeons to use
- RonnieMagnum, for Creating StormCaller's Fury for me
- Ashes2Asherz, for his original MAFK is still the backbone of Rolonce', and for originally helping me work out many of her bugs
- Mr Dave for the eye normal map fix! Get it here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54416/?
- The Ningheim Race: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35474/?