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Lin Shao Ye

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About this mod

Every foot lover!I am come to save you! this is female feet mesh and textures

Permissions and credits
As a foot lover,you must  you must have been wating so long .
My english no so good,so I can only give you some basic information.
what did the mod do?
1. Physice Ankle:when you move your legs,the ankle can do  joint movement,Play your imagination,when you  sex with..........you know this!
2.new female feet mesh(This is not my work,I only reset Skin Weights)
3.new feet texture

How to use:
1.Backup ! I not sure you can understanding understand my mean,because English is not my strength.So backup is important,it can save your ass when you make a mistake.
2.Can't use NMM, just copy  .nif(meshes) to "Skyrim\Data\meshes\actors\character\character assets"
3.copy .dds(texture) to "Skyrim\Data\textures\actors\character\female"
4.copy  Feet.xml to "Skyrim\data\SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs"
5.copy 【<map shape="Feet" file="SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\Feet.xml"/>】 into Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\defaultBBPs.xml

This is not a perfect mod,It has a Big problem,I did not make Minimal size feet,because when I get this body, I have found this body have no minimal size(It may be the author's mistake).
So this will cause an error,but I have one stupid way to fix (this will cause another bug,Due to language limitations, I cannot speak too much).
copy femalebody_1.nif+femalehand_1.nif+femalefeet_1.nif rename it to femalebody_1.nif+femalehand_1.nif+femalefeet_1.nif

For those who has problem with this mod. THIS MOD IS ONLY FOR A SPECIAL BODY. IT'S UNP, BUT IS A SPECIAL ONE. The different is on the interface of the feet model.I am aware of the seriousness of the problem,So my plant is make a UNP(Original) FEET.
It will take a loooooooooooooooooooong time

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