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About this mod

Based on Claire-standalone follower mod.

Permissions and credits
Hello,this is the mage version of my Claire-standalone follower .
Usually i would  simply release it as an optional file  for original mod,
but old version hasn't been updated for 7 months  and  lots of  changes   
had been added to new version,so i decided to release new one separately.
You can still find the original version on the nexus  website.
Claire is the follower i made a while ago,
can be  found in The Winking Skeever.
She is a very powerful level 85 mage and can be extremely helpful in combat.

Skill:Thunder bolt , lighting cloak , conjure dremora lord , ,close wound ,Fus ro dah.
Voice Type: Female Condescending 
Body:  UNP , CBBE
Requirements:Dawn Guard

UNP Female Body Renewal - reize0
Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer -CBBE-ousnius
KS Hairdos - Kalilies
The Eyes Of Beauty - LogRaam
Demoniac- High Quality Glossy Female Body Texture 8K 4K 2K - regenbot03
SG Female Eyebrows -hellosanta
Enhanced Character Edit - tktk1
Face Light - tktk1
Uploaded byhellosanta