- Refine results Found 273 results. 72127 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: categories. (Clear filters)
Start your own guild and choose its members, motives, and location.
The Thieves Guild will now only recruit other thieves. Brynjolf will no longer approach you if you are not a thief, and the Thieves Guild questline will not be activated until the player meets the necessary requirements. You can also choose to set requirements that must be met before progressing along the Thieves Guild questline.
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The Thieves Guild will now only recruit other thieves. Brynjolf will no longer approach you if you are not a thief, and the Thieves Guild questline will not be activated until the player meets the necessary requirements. You can also choose to set requirements that must be met before progressing along the Thieves Guild questline.
Enhanced Skyrim Factions - The Companions Guild
Tired of being forced to be something you don't want to be? Think it's silly that a low-level mage with minimal weapon and armor skills can become leader of this famous band after only two weeks? No longer. Now you must truly earn your place among your Shield-Brothers and Sisters.
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Enhanced Skyrim Factions - The Companions Guild
Tired of being forced to be something you don't want to be? Think it's silly that a low-level mage with minimal weapon and armor skills can become leader of this famous band after only two weeks? No longer. Now you must truly earn your place among your Shield-Brothers and Sisters.
Hunting in Skyrim - A Hunting Guild
Hunting in Skyrim is a mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim that adds a Hunting Guild to the game, and completely overhauls the entire hunting experience. It features realistic animal skinning (like Red Dead Redemption), animal trapping, kill & stat tracking, new skills and abilities, new NPCs and locations, new dungeons, new weapons and more.
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Hunting in Skyrim - A Hunting Guild
Hunting in Skyrim is a mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim that adds a Hunting Guild to the game, and completely overhauls the entire hunting experience. It features realistic animal skinning (like Red Dead Redemption), animal trapping, kill & stat tracking, new skills and abilities, new NPCs and locations, new dungeons, new weapons and more.
Dark Brotherhood Reborn - Dawnstar Sanctuary
Not every super cool assassin organization wants to live in a filthy dark damp hole in the ground that has no real storage and not enough beds for everybody. Its time for the Sanctuary to become a proper base of operations
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Dark Brotherhood Reborn - Dawnstar Sanctuary
Not every super cool assassin organization wants to live in a filthy dark damp hole in the ground that has no real storage and not enough beds for everybody. Its time for the Sanctuary to become a proper base of operations
Become a Bard 5.0 lets you play all of the instrumental and voiced songs included with the game or choose from dozens of new songs. Adds new radiant quests to expand the options for a bard in Skyrim.
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Become a Bard 5.0 lets you play all of the instrumental and voiced songs included with the game or choose from dozens of new songs. Adds new radiant quests to expand the options for a bard in Skyrim.
Redecorates the thieves guild to reflect the wealth they've accumulated as you finish the reputation quests.
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Redecorates the thieves guild to reflect the wealth they've accumulated as you finish the reputation quests.
Unlocks civil war cut city battles and put them in an open strategy wargame, accessible through the war maps.
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Unlocks civil war cut city battles and put them in an open strategy wargame, accessible through the war maps.
All Thieves Guild Jobs Concurrently
Lets you take on all seven types of Thieves Guild job at once, instead of only one for Delvin and one for Vex at a time.
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All Thieves Guild Jobs Concurrently
Lets you take on all seven types of Thieves Guild job at once, instead of only one for Delvin and one for Vex at a time.
This mod serves as both a standalone mod and a multi-step guide which re-imagines Fort Dawnguard to give it a more fortified and "glorious" look. The mod itself adds additional patrols, 3 new unique followers, a stable, a sparring platform, new guard posts, new banner textures, a new torture area for vampires, a supply depot, an archery ra
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This mod serves as both a standalone mod and a multi-step guide which re-imagines Fort Dawnguard to give it a more fortified and "glorious" look. The mod itself adds additional patrols, 3 new unique followers, a stable, a sparring platform, new guard posts, new banner textures, a new torture area for vampires, a supply depot, an archery ra
College of Winterhold Entry Requirements
Adds customizable skill level and Magicka requirements to join the College of Winterhold.
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College of Winterhold Entry Requirements
Adds customizable skill level and Magicka requirements to join the College of Winterhold.
The Uruk Warriors are taking Skyrim. They have settled their main base, and now they are preparing for a total invasion. They have explorers all around Skyrim. Face a new enemy. Be the Hero that skyrim needs (again)
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The Uruk Warriors are taking Skyrim. They have settled their main base, and now they are preparing for a total invasion. They have explorers all around Skyrim. Face a new enemy. Be the Hero that skyrim needs (again)
Dawnguard Sentries now imported from Steam where it carries a 5 star rating with over 8000 current subscribers (before they come here instead). This mod adds Dawnguard members to every hold capital & some towns to fight off vampire attacks. Other features as well. MCM Menu configurable and Vampire player friendly.
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Dawnguard Sentries now imported from Steam where it carries a 5 star rating with over 8000 current subscribers (before they come here instead). This mod adds Dawnguard members to every hold capital & some towns to fight off vampire attacks. Other features as well. MCM Menu configurable and Vampire player friendly.
College Of Winterhold Glory days
Have you ever wished for the College to be grand? But you still want immersion? Well then this mod is for you! It repairs the bridge, adds classrooms, NPC's, lights, buildings, anything you could have wished for!
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College Of Winterhold Glory days
Have you ever wished for the College to be grand? But you still want immersion? Well then this mod is for you! It repairs the bridge, adds classrooms, NPC's, lights, buildings, anything you could have wished for!
Adds variety to Legionnaires.
Better Archmage Quarters inside the College of Winterhold
More cosy quarters and true to the original feel: no more home sounding like a ruin, new mannequins/gallery, small study area, bookshelves, weapon racks, crafting area...
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Better Archmage Quarters inside the College of Winterhold
More cosy quarters and true to the original feel: no more home sounding like a ruin, new mannequins/gallery, small study area, bookshelves, weapon racks, crafting area...
Playable Forsworn faction with questline (voice-acted)
Dark Brotherhood for Good Guys
Ever wanted to be a "good guy" and still go through the Dark Brotherhood quest line? Or maybe you just feel like you'd like to know more about your targets and the motives behind the murders before you kill someone! Either way, this mod is designed to flesh out the Dark Brotherhood quest line and let you play as a not-so-evil person
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Dark Brotherhood for Good Guys
Ever wanted to be a "good guy" and still go through the Dark Brotherhood quest line? Or maybe you just feel like you'd like to know more about your targets and the motives behind the murders before you kill someone! Either way, this mod is designed to flesh out the Dark Brotherhood quest line and let you play as a not-so-evil person
This mod makes the Vigilant of Stendarr a joinable faction and adds quests.
This mod gives the player the option to make Tolfdir the Archmage at the end of the College of Winterhold questline.
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This mod gives the player the option to make Tolfdir the Archmage at the end of the College of Winterhold questline.