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Yay!.. I finally found the time - and the tools!.. - to learn how to create custom animations :)

Here's a quick and dirty edit of my very first animation ever (stuttering not included in the anim!.. I owe this to my stupid video capture program which loves eating up my VRAM). Not the easiest training exercice to have chosen to animate two actors at the same time and make them swirl around with music - but, well, it's done anyway...

I'm currently testing the script which is going very smoothly so far, once that's done I'll upload the mod in the Animation category.

Cheers guys!


  1. fireraven36
    • member
    • 13 kudos
    wow just wow!....when you upload your mod i will give you shoutout on fb of skyrim mod hoarders
    1. Hoamaii
      • premium
      • 525 kudos
      Thanks, that'd be great!
    2. fireraven36
      • member
      • 13 kudos
      getting hits in my group =)
  2. Skybroom
    • supporter
    • 78 kudos
    Beginner dancers, no doubt Anyways, the intro and the outro reverences brought me into tears. So touching! Not to mention the Soviet music. So nostalgic!

    I wish your pair quick studying. Looking forward to seeing them performing more partner dances.
    1. Hoamaii
      • premium
      • 525 kudos
      Lol, beginners for sure!.. After all, slaying dragons and draugr's is probably not the best education for an apprentice ballroom dragonborn .
      But more seriously: 99 bones per actor and per frame X 30 frames per second... that's a lot a bones to rotate and adjust while trying to keep their hands locked together!.. I always suspected animation was hard, and I sure got to experience it first hand, as like I said, trying to animate 2 actors swirling to the sound of music was probably not the easiest training exercice I could think of!.. :/
      Next anim, I'm thinking I'll probably try them pole fishing, just standing patiently by a river, waiting for a catch...
    2. Skybroom
      • supporter
      • 78 kudos
      Pole fishing? Nice! Waiting impatiently for that one.
      Regarding the ballroom dances, it's not the easiest thing in real life to study, requires years of trainging just to achieve the apprentice level, just to learn how to rotate your bones to the music. But 3d animation - it's simply incomprehensible to me, I think it's really hard to do.
  3. deleted18837759
    • account closed
    • 105 kudos
    Wow!!!! This is the kind of mod I needed for my story... The animations are perfect,well done! ))))
    1. Hoamaii
      • premium
      • 525 kudos
      Thanks a lot . Should be done by the end of the week if my current lousy connection allows me to upload it - if not, as soon as I'm back home, the week after.
  4. GinaN
    • premium
    • 17 kudos
    Oh my goodness, how great is this? To answer my own rhetorical question...It's awesome!
    I am floored by how seamless it is. Not to mention romantic.
    1. Hoamaii
      • premium
      • 525 kudos
      Hey, thanks a lot GinaN . It looks better in game fortunately, when Fraps is not devouring my fps. As I was trying my hand at animating, I started wondering what shall I do? Combat, magic, sex, idles?.. There's already a lot of these around, and some damn good ones. So romantic stuff? Why not, seems like a lot of people who love creating these amazing screenshots might use them, and it kinda suits me I guess. So you may see a few more of these...
  5. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 880 kudos
    Impressive Hoamaii - but you are very talented I know based on your mods! Love this ;)
    1. Hoamaii
      • premium
      • 525 kudos
      Hey Wolfgrimdark,
      Always a pleasure to see you around! And thanks a lot, you're possibly one of the nicest person on the Nexus .
      Come to think of it, I've never added you to my friends (a function I don't use much, I'll admit), do you mind?
      Cheers, man!
    2. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Oh aye sure! I am never too good at that either even though I feel like I have been here forever ... although I came to the scene late as Skyrim was my first modded game.
    3. Hoamaii
      • premium
      • 525 kudos
      Yeah, we pretty much came here around the same time, and Skyrim was the game which got me decided to create my own mods.
      Despite Beth's bad press at the moment, I still think that was an extroardinary playground they gave us with both the game and the CK. Oblivion and Fallout games too to a certain extent, but I find Skyrim much more open and versatile, with the many tools created by modders over the years, you can pretty much turn that game into anything you can dream of. Skyrim's kind of hard to let go...
  6. ScarletStreak
    • premium
    • 251 kudos
    Wow. That is impressive! I like it. Especially that ending kiss.
    1. Hoamaii
      • premium
      • 525 kudos
      Thanks a bunch! :)