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Mines in my mod for Skyrim - Nature of the beast 2 .

I invite everybody for participation in beta of ver. 3.5 of the mod.

- currently 3 types (shock, fire and frost)
- can be deployed, picked up, armed, disarmed. concealed and revealed, triggered manually and by proximity
- revealed will not be triggered by minions and constructs (who understand the nature of the danger)
- hidden will not be triggered by actors with light foot perk or warned by the player (you can warn your minions about them via minion dialogue menu)
- to conceal the device you must have at least sneak skill level 50
- when approaching armed mines approach only on the maximum distance allowing you to activate it
- very powerfull, be extremly cautious when using them
- can be picked up by advanced minions
- can be remotely armed/disarmed/triggered

LittleBaron - for resources (exploding arrows, bolts and mines) from mod: Dwemer Exploding Traps Bombs and Arrows (