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How to use an item, like a book, to make crafting recipes appear at the forge. The armour/clothing/weapon/potion can only be crafted when the item is in inventory.


  1. Kastergir
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Okeh, I just messed around for hrs. with conditions, condition functions and parameters I know nothing about, achieveing nothing XD .

    Then I just recreated what you showed in your Video in FO4Edit . Made a Book, created a COBJ with the condition to have that Book in Inventory ( function = GetItemCount ) -> works nicely ofc . Book in Inv: can craft . Book not in Inv: can not craft .

    I guess that'll do for the moment . As soon as I have some more time to spare, Ill mess around with stuff I dont know anything about and dont understand some more XD .
  2. Kastergir
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Thank you, very much appreciated. I want to do pretty much exactly this, but in FO4. This Video gives me some insight I was missing, now I can go and see whether it works similar/the same with FO4 and FO4Edit .
    1. Elianora
      • premium
      • 12,097 kudos
      You can most definitely do this in FO4Edit. I added a unique skull as a crafting condition, so I know it works.
    2. Kastergir
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Perfect, thanks much for your reply . SInce I am new to modding anything, I was a bit unsure as to what kinds of records I would need to create and edit how, as mentioned above, your tutorial cleared most of that up for me . I am going to get to work a bit later today .

      EDIT: which of your FO4 MODs did you add that unique skull condition to?
    3. Elianora
      • premium
      • 12,097 kudos
      Oh it's just my private mod. Would you like me to make a tutorial on how to add recipes and conditions?
    4. Kastergir
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      • 2 kudos
      Would be great to see no doubt, though a step-by-step .txt would do for me . I can learn pretty well from reading and just lookig at what other MAs did . Mostly, my confusion is about how to structure things, and what records require what values for what effect .

      But yeah, if you feel like, the tutorial you mentioned would be very helpfull .

      I am also looking for a way to make recipes dependent on simply having found a Book/magazine/Item - without them necessarily being in your inventory when crafting . I know about the one workaround requiring perks from looking at DDP's Vault 273 mod, and was told there may be a possibility incoorporating ingestibles .

      Basically, where I want to get to is for the Player to have to learn stuff before being able to craft stuff . I may go the perk route for that . But for starters, I will start with the simple things . Make a Book that gives a recipe as long as it is in inventory . Add that Book to an existing Vendor's selling Inventory ( I do not want to place an Item into Worldspace cos of possible cell reset, and dont want to mess with native Leveled Lists cos I do not want to flood the Commonwealth with Books XD .) . Allow the player to buy that Book - maybe make it appear randomly through defining another leveled list that Vendor has access to - and then craft stuff .

      Ofc have tons of Ideas on how to expand on that, but ofc first need to learn how to get stuff done and working one small step after the other .

      . Sry. for wall of text, and thx for your helpfullness .
    5. Elianora
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      • 12,097 kudos
      Yeah I do that a lot too. I reverse-engineer other people's work or I just need to be pointed into the right direction and I can figure out a lot on my own without having to be told everything step by step with a lot of theory. That's why I made these videos as they are. Most people can figure things out as long as they get pointed to the right way.
    6. Elianora
      • premium
      • 12,097 kudos
      In Skyrim the perk thing was done through spells. Like spells could be Abilities. Book teaches AbilityCraftSteelItems. And then you put the spell as a condition on the crafting.

      I just checked it in FO4 and they have Spells too, which are abilities as well. But I can't seem to add them through notes or books.
    7. Kastergir
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      I have found that I can set "Has been read" as a condition for a COBJ - now I am just insecure how to reference that to the Book that has to be read for it to trigger . I found indication that i simply need to put the FormID of the BOOK into either one of th 2 "none" fields, or into
      Param #3 . Cant tell yet which works XD .
    8. Elianora
      • premium
      • 12,097 kudos
      I took a look, can't figure it out either, sorry >.<
    9. Kastergir
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      No worries, I can try and test that out . Thanks so far