Skyrim (Switch)

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About this video

Some mods in this video:
-Shiva's Beautiful Presets
-Apachii Hair
-Improved Eyes
-UNP Female Body Renewal
-UNP Body Fit Armors and Clothes
-Rustic Clothing
-Rustic Clutter
-aMidianBorn Book of Silence
-Designs of the Nords
-Noble Skyrim
-The Kids Are Alright
-Immersive Citizens
-Celtic Music
-Realistic Lighting Overhaul
-The Switch does a poor job at screenshots and video recording.
-I have over 10GB worth of mods so I'm heavily modded, I also disabled dynamic resolution which takes a hit on FPS because I forced the switch to run at 720P constant. Everything in the "actors" folder has been resized to 2K due to some textures looking bad at 1K. Everything else has been resized to 1K.
-Mods in this video are personal use only! I only port and share mods with original author permission on Nexus. 
Mod list-
Nexus Skyrim Switch Mods-
Nexus page for my ports and credits-
If you need any support with Switch Skyrim mods feel free to join our Discord-