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  1. 45tg67se
    • premium
    • 233 kudos
    She is so sweet <3
    Now I'm getting inspired to start mage playthrough...
    1. maydragon75
      • premium
      • 158 kudos

      With the alpha release of SKSE64 'forgotten magic' now works (bsa needs to be unpacked, there are a few meshes to optimize, and the esp updated, and requires SKYUI 5.1 for MCM). I almost forgotten how much I love playing as a mage with this mod, makes magic viable at higher levels, and spells evolve, and become more powerful in the way you want them to as use them.
    2. 45tg67se
      • premium
      • 233 kudos
      I'm not that brave to install skse yet, I hate when something goes wrong with my save files...
      I mean... it's totally new level of sadness....
    3. maydragon75
      • premium
      • 158 kudos
      LOL I know what you mean, but I break my game all the time anyway, I have a folder fill of saves I can never use again but can't bear to part with. I spend more time trying to do things I shouldn't, then trying to fix the problems that causes than I do playing the game.

      There are quite a few mods that go haywire if you install the alpha SKSE64, and it is definitely not feature complete, and SKYUI 5.1 has instant CTD if you try to open the display in the systems menu. So I think the smarter thing to do right now is not installing SKSE64.... but I just can't resist trying out things I shouldn't do
    4. 45tg67se
      • premium
      • 233 kudos
      Must resist.....must.... resist....