Copied from original mod page by original author sward66.
Fire Blast: Destruction Apprentice
Instantly blasts the target for 30pt of fire damage.
* Searing Pain: chance to ignite the target for 5 sec.
* Firestarter: chance to cast Fire Blast twice at no cost.
* Pyromaniac: increases damage by 50% and magicka cost by 25%.
* Backdraft: chance to knockback the target. Does not work on Dragons.
* Hot Streak: chance to decrease the magicka cost of Fire Blast by 70% for 8 sec.
* Combustion: if the target is affected by Searing Pain or Ignite, consumes these effects and decreases fire resistance by 33% for 10 sec.
* Unrelenting Flame: deals additional damage equal to 8% of your current magicka.
* Havoc: deals additional damage if the target is not attacking the caster.
* Intense Flames: increases Searing Pain and Ignite damage by 100%.
* Cremation: deals double damage to targets affected by Combustion.
Conflagrate: Destruction Adept
Hurls a fiery bolt at the target, causing 60pt of fire damage.
* Ignite: chance of igniting the target for 5 sec.
* Molten Fury: chance of increasing fire damage 50% for 10 sec.
* Heart of Fire: increase damage and magicka cost 50%.
* Impact: chance to knockback the target. Does not work on dragons.
* Flamestrike: each consecutive Conflagrate deals 10% more damage for 6 sec. Stacks up to 3 times.
* Disarm: chance of disarming the target.
* Blazing Tempest: deals additional damage equal to 12% of your current magicka.
* Dehydration: if the target is affected by Searing Pain or Ignite, consumes these effects and stuns the target for 3 sec.
* Fire Bomb: if the target is affected by Searing Pain or Ignite, turns them into a living bomb which will explode 5 sec. later.
* Emberstorm: does double damage if the target is affected by Searing Pain or Ignite.
Meteor Shower: Destruction Adept
Summons 3 meteors down on the target, each causing 50pt of fire damage. Only usable outdoors.
* Ignition: each meteor has a chance to apply Searing Pain.
* Barrage: increases meteor count by 2.
* Intense Heat: increases damage and magicka cost by 25%.
* Impulse: each meteor has a chance to knockdown the target. Does not work on dragons.
* Fragmentation: each meteor explodes on impact.
* Volatility: each meteor has a chance to kill a target below 30% health.
* Blazing Speed: increases your movement speed by 33% for 6 sec.
* Soften Weapon: decreases the target's physical damage by 33% for 10 sec.
* Armageddon: if the target is killed by meteors, increases your spell damage by 50% for 10 sec.
* Flame Surge: each meteor has a chance to launch an additional meteor if the target is below 50% health.
Doppelganger: Illusion Apprentice
Creates an illusionary copy of the target for 15 sec. Does not work on dragons, undead, or machines.
* Intensity: doppelganger deals 30% more melee damage.
* Brimstone: decreases target fire resistance 15% for duration.
* Immolate: decreases target melee damage 30% for duration.
* Inner Fire: gives the doppelganger the Fire Cloak spell.
* Wild Fire: increases your fire damage by 25% for 10 sec.
* Dense Smoke: turns you invisible for 20 sec.
* Devouring Flames: recover 5-10 magicka per sec. as long as the target attacks the doppelganger.
* Phantom Pain: target takes 5-10 damage per sec. as long as it is not attacking the caster.
* Molten Core: if the target is affected by Searing Pain or Ignite, increases doppelganger damage by 50%.
* Cauterize: restores health equal to 2% of target's total each second for 10 sec. If the effect ends with caster below 50% health, restores an additional 10% health.
Salamander Touch: Destruction Adept
A fiery aura shimmers off your skin, burning those who get too close.
* Salamander Heart: +25% fire spell damage and +50% cost
* Salamander Scales: 10% damage reduction
* Ignition: chance of affecting attacker with Searing Pain
* Lingering Burn: 20-100% longer duration (scales with spell level)
* Live Coals: 5-25% cost reduction for fire spells (scales with spell level)
* Firebreak: 30-50% fire resistance (scales with spell level)
* Purifying Flame: 50% resistance to poison and disease
* Firebrand: imbues your weapon with salamander flame
* Tinder: 25% reduction in fire resistance for nearby targets
* Terrible Flame: chance of triggering fear when attacker health below 50%.
Phoenix Strike: Destruction Adept (lesser power)
Charges at the enemy, knocking them down. 30 sec. cooldown.
* Flare: Staggers all targets in a 10ft radius
* Flame Rupture: If the target is immune to knockdown effects, deals 160-220pt fire damage to that target.
* Inflame: Sends forth a wave of fire on impact.
* Burning Fury: Reduces the cooldown period to 20 sec.
* Scorch: Applies Ignite to the target on impact.
* Inferno: Sets the ground on fire for 10 sec.
* Back Draft: Teleports to your initial position on impact.
* Molten Skin: Reflects 100% of melee damage for 10 sec.
* Blazing Speed: Increases movement speed by 50% for 10 sec.
* Phoenix' Gift: If cast while your health is below 15%, fully restores your health. 2 min. cooldown.
Forgotten Magic Redone SE: Pyromancer Spells
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