This has not been updated for 1.2 yet.
Hey there, if you want to add your own commands to Way of the Voice (WotV), this is the place for you!
You can add commands for almost anything, be it spells, shouts, items, or weapons! Creating commands for consumables such as potions and food is not supported, as I am unaware of any console commands to do trigger their usage.
In this tutorial:
Anything in [square brackets] means you can say any of the options inside and get the same result.
Anything in {curly braces} can be omitted and still activate the same command.
To add your own mod to WotV:
Adding support for a new mod to WotV is easy!
- In the Edit... window in VM, use the Copy/Paste button on the top when selecting an entry in the Load Order section. When asked to Keep Original Group(s)?, select Yes.
- Edit your newly created entry (should be a clone of the one you selected before) by double clicking it.
- Change the name of the entry to {YourModName} Slot
- Change the Keyboard entries to match your load order position for the mod (or set it to 00 if you intend on sharing it with me, to add to the main download)
- Change the comment to match the name of the plugin from the mod you're adding support for.
- That's it! Adding spells, shouts, items, or weapons is covered in the other sections below.
For each new command you want to add:
- In the Edit... window in VM, use the Copy/Paste button on the top when selecting an entry, I recommend [fist_right] at the bottom of the FormIDs section. When asked to Keep Original Group(s)?, select Yes.
- Edit your newly created entry (should be a clone of the one you selected before) by double clicking it.
- Change the name of the command to the name of the object (spell, shout, weapon, whatever)
- Substitute spaces for underscores and
- Preface the name with an abbreviation. Vanilla = van, Apocalypse = apoc, etc.
- If you're adding support for a new mod, make up a new but easy-to-understand abbreviation.
- Change the RunOtherMacro entry to call the proper entry from the Load Order section of WotV
- If you're making this for a vanilla item, you can just delete this.
- Change the keyboard entries to match the FormID of the object you want to be able to equip, one character at a time from top to bottom.
- If you don't know what a FormID is, you probably shouldn't be trying to do this in the first place.
- Click Ok. If you want to add spellbook functionality to your object, double-click the [Reset Spellbook] entry.
- Click on the very bottom entry and click the Clone button.
- Edit the newly-cloned entry to match the name of the entry we just created, with _s apppended. This creates a variable in the Variables_s.xml file, which enables spellbook functionality.
- That's it! Your FormID entry is done for this object, let's move on to creating the trigger command for it.
To add your own spell commands:
- In the Edit... window in VM, use the Copy/Paste button on the top when selecting an entry in the Spellbook section. When asked to Keep Original Group(s)?, select Yes.
- Edit your newly created entry (should be a clone of the one you selected before) by double clicking it.
- Edit the name of the entry to match the name of the spell you want to equip.
- If your spell is part of a mod that you are adding support for, change the Group label to the name of the mod. For further additions using this mod, you can Copy/Paste this new entry and only need to change the name and the three lines below for each new spell you want to add.
- Change the variable to be set in lines 8 and 13 to the variable name we created in the spellbook functionality section above.
- If spellbook functionality was implemented, you must add the spell to your spellbook by saying either
"I just learned a {new} spell" followed by the spell name at the prompt, or
"[Unlock/I just learned] SpellName"
- Change the macro being called in line 21 to the FormID entry we created in the for each section above.
- That's it! You should now be able to equip your spell in your selected hand using a voice command!
- "{[left/right/dual/both]} SpellName {[left/right/dual/both]}"
To add your own shout commands:
- In the Edit... window in VM, use the Copy/Paste button on the top when selecting an entry in the Shouts section. When asked to Keep Original Group(s)?, select Yes.
- Edit your newly created entry (should be a clone of the one you selected before) by double clicking it.
- Edit the name of the entry to match the name of the shout you want to equip.
- If your shout is part of a mod that you are adding support for, change the Group label to the name of the mod. For further additions using this mod, you can Copy/Paste this new entry and only need to change the name and the three lines below for each new shout you want to add.
- Change the variable to be set in lines 8 and 13 to the variable name we created in the spellbook functionality section above.
- If spellbook functionality was implemented, you must add the spell to your spellbook by saying either
"I just learned a {new} shout" followed by the shout name at the prompt, or
"[Unlock/I just learned] ShoutName"
- Change the macro being called in line 19 to the FormID entry we created in the for each section above.
- That's it! You should now be able to equip your shout using a voice command by saying its name!
- "ShoutName"
To add your own weapon/item equip commands:
- While technically the only item I am supporting at this time is the Torch, any item can be made to work with WotV!
- In the Edit... window in VM, use the Copy/Paste button on the top when selecting the Torch entry in the Items & Weapons section. When asked to Keep Original Group(s)?, select Yes.
- Edit your newly created entry (should be a clone of Torch) by double clicking it.
- Edit the name of the entry to match the name of the item or weapon you want to equip.
- If your item is part of a mod that you are adding support for, change the Group label to the name of the mod. For further additions using this mod, you can Copy/Paste this new entry and only need to change the name and the one line below for each new item/weapon you want to add.
- Change the macro being called in line 7 to the FormID entry we created in the for each section above.
- That's it! You should now be able to equip your item/weapon using a voice command!
- "{Un}Equip [a/my] ItemName", "I need a ItemName", or "Put away my ItemName"