Mirabelle Ervine

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  1. lucabarbierisosa
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    what mods if any did you use?
    1. hadrianus2020
      • member
      • 24 kudos
      Face: Pandorable's NPCs
      Hair: KSSMP wigs with physics (Angelic wig). Due to some load order mistake which I haven't solved, her brown hair from Pandorable's mod turns white when I apply any KSSMP wigs to her.
      Dress: BDOR's armor pack. The dress is from the Sanguine armor. The shoes from Eclipse.
      Cape: Apachii Devine Elegance Store. DE gold flower or something like that.
      College of Winterhold: Obscure's College of Winterhold
      Textures: A combination of SSE texture pack - Osmodius, and Skyrim 2020 by Pfuscher.