Skyrim Special Edition
How to post multiple pictures

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This user's image description contains 5 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. locknload2210
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    so it works but the image is broken any help? what's weird is that it worked the first time but now is not working
  2. RemmyKun
    • premium
    • 554 kudos
    Nice guide!! ^^
    I always cry when I see like 7 screenshot posts in a row from the same person... xD

    EDIT: Actually I just noticed someone’s posts... 10?! Really?! Omg!! Hahaha

    EDIT 2: Two different users posted 10 in a row! That should be forbidden! Lmao

    I mean; it’s currently allowed and I actually liked the screenshots XD But man! The problem is that it sends other posts to oblivion (to the second page and beyond where most people won’t search... so they won’t discover your hard work if you are not already “famous” hahaha).
    1. Dark1Nova
      • premium
      • 114 kudos
      I love the screenshots!  And in regards to your edit, that's the reason for this post.  I love seeing 10+ screenshots from someone, but there is no reason that they should be taking up the entire front page of screenshots.

      Not only is this a problem caused by users, but more so the webmaster's of nexus apparently not having the skill to implement a multiple upload feature for a post.
    2. RemmyKun
      • premium
      • 554 kudos
      Yeah, if that were possible without the use of other services like Imgur, it would be super super awesome!
      Because as it is right now, every time I’m going to post something I find myself thinking “is this the right time?” “is my post going to be buried under other posts today?”... and it happens a lot... specially on weekends ofc xD 
    3. Dark1Nova
      • premium
      • 114 kudos
      Same... :)
    4. Dark1Nova
      • premium
      • 114 kudos
      They blocked me from their images. LOL.  Adorable.
      Works out for the best anyway since i don't have to see their cries for attention cluttering up the front page.
    5. RemmyKun
      • premium
      • 554 kudos
      Oh lul... yeah that was childish :<
    6. Reaper060389
      • supporter
      • 151 kudos
      In response to:
      27 June 2021, 7:20AM I love the screenshots!  And in regards to your edit, that's the reason
      for this post.  I love seeing 10+ screenshots from someone, but there is
      no reason that they should be taking up the entire front page of

      Not only is this a problem caused by users, but more so the webmaster's of nexus apparently not having the skill to
      implement a multiple upload feature for a post.

      27 June 2021, 7:28AM Yeah, if that were possible without the use of other services like Imgur, it would be super super awesome!
      Because as it is right now, every time I’m going to post something I find
      myself thinking “is this the right time?” “is my post going to be buried
      under other posts today?”... and it happens a lot... specially on
      weekends ofc xD 


      I find the guide great, good job :)
      I also don't really like that the front page is overloaded with pictures. +2/3 you can just get over it when it makes a person
      But not two / three people then rather not
      But plus +7/+10, that's too exaggerated I think. From 2 people even still.

      And to the multiple upload feature for a post.  
      Actually there is a way to do that here on nexus.
      Without the use of other services Imgur/Flickr.

      You can select categories when you upload a picture to Nexus. I found it out by accident. Have always taken only the category: Aesthetic.

      But there is also a category: Hidden.
      If you select this, the uploaded image is hidden and only visible to you and you can then insert it just as from other services.
      The only disadvantage is that you have to upload all images individually and set them to hidden. With 2/3 it is certainly no effort.
      But if you have 30 images for the attachment and want to upload them individually to nexus on hidden, is already a bit more effort.
    7. RemmyKun
      • premium
      • 554 kudos
      Hi Reaper! :D
      Yes you are right. But since I’m a “member” and not a premium... I would need like 7 days uploading 5 hidden pictures every day so that at the end I can post a bigger set xD 
    8. Reaper060389
      • supporter
      • 151 kudos
      Hi Remmy,
      there was something. I haven't had that for a long time, so I forgot that this still exists with the upload limit xD
      On the other hand, this applies only to the visible images or? To protect against spamming. I do not know it unfortunately. I do not want to ask them now to find out. But I assume you already know the answer ;)
    9. RemmyKun
      • premium
      • 554 kudos
      Well, once I uploaded 5 images under “hidden” and then when I wanted to post the first one under “aesthetics” it told me that I already reached the limit lol
      So apparently it’s a shared limit.
      The “solution” to all of this could be to remove the limit to hidden images only. And also not to notify anyone who follows you about hidden images...
  3. Vivifriend
    • premium
    • 26 kudos
    Thanks for typing this out.  It's a nice clear guide. ^_^
  4. NewVegasPersonMan
    • member
    • 13 kudos
    Way too many people ignore this advice... I think there should be some sort of a cooldown for posting because these people purposely ignore what community tells them... I had a couple blocking me just for telling them what to do and that everybody does that to be polite...