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This user's image description contains 14 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. Dibthelegend
    • supporter
    • 309 kudos
    Wow that outfit was quite the reveal haha. She looks beautiful, Rick, and a fascinating character
  2. serkethetyt
    • premium
    • 456 kudos
    Damn, Rick! She is gorgeous and her skin is so real! Very nice work here with her, she is totally believable and well done!
  3. Gruzzwalled
    • member
    • 47 kudos
    A very cool looking lass
    Nice set mate
  4. dovalady1995
    • supporter
    • 91 kudos
    Such a gorgeous character! Wonderful set! :-) 
    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      Thank you kindly, Dova! Thank you also for the kind comment on my portrait serie I did almost a month ago. I'm sorry I never replied back then, so here's a "thank you" now at least...
  5. Sonja
    • member
    • 183 kudos
    Dynaheir is my version of a character and companion you could bring in your team in the old classic RPG "Baldur's Game".

    I wondered this when I saw the notification. Then, as I scrolled through the images, my suspicion became increasingly stronger... so I'm glad to see this conformation!
    Damn.. brings back some memories... the BG series was actually what got me into RPGs, and I still play those games to this day; they influenced me hugely in terms of what I like, particularly with regard to party-based setups.
    Beautiful screenshots!
    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      I'm glad you recognised her then when scrolling through the shots and not only by the name of the character...

      I did the different passing, coming from tabeltop RPG's in my youth and when that all vanished, I picked up "Baldur's Gate" as my first PC game, mainly because it had the setting of Forgotten Realms. I'm very glad I did that day so long ago, because it kept my roleplaying nerves calmed and today I truly love party-based RPG's. Skyrim is great too for the sake of being able to re-create beloved characters and almost all my chars are from my writing which origins back in those tabletop days. I do have a few "fan works" and Dynaheir is one of them (I have some others from BG too as well as Dragon Age).

      Thank you very much, Sonja and I'm happy Dynaheir could bring some memories back. I too still play the BG-serie occasionally, eagerly awaiting the full release of Baldur's Gate 3...
    2. Sonja
      • member
      • 183 kudos
      What really gave me the sense this was the Dynaheir I remembered was the way you have captured her absolute, cool, self-assurance and graceful poise. Of course, you've wonderfully evoked her appearance generally, but the way you've made Dynaheir's personality shine through her expression is extraordinary.

      Sounds like we have a somewhat similar gaming history and love of party-based RPGs. I too am eagerly awaiting the release of BG3; it's one reason I upgraded my PC, actually. So far, I've managed to avoid  a lot of the press, though, because I don't want to play it until full release. Hopefully I maintain my willpower...
    3. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      Many thanks again! I do like making characters - any character - and I try to add some personality to them. It's more easy with the ones you've made up yourself, because you can mold them into such persona during the character process. Fan art characters require some more understanding of individual you will try and portray. I often brush up the main features of the "fiction celebrity" since I feel it doesn't need to be on the spot (it's my version after all), but the personality must be there or else it all falls apart. Very pleasing to hear, you "see" the Dynaheir we both remember from the game...

      Yeah, i've got the Early Access of BG3 already, but I haven't delved too far into it for the reason of having the full expereince at once. I've mostly tested some characters from my writing to see how they fair in the early start of the game. I more or less always use character concepts from my writing either it's BG, Skyrim, Neverwinter Nights, Dragon Age, Pathfinder: Kingmaker, Pillar of Eternity, Solasta, etc...
  6. thesarantis
    • premium
    • 200 kudos
    Welcome back Rick! I hope you had a nice refreshing break!
    Dynaheir is fantastic and i love her expressive and very charming face!
    Awesome outfit which matched perfectly with her gorgeous body!
    I also liked the skin shades very much!!!

    Rhetorical questions:
    - What are her origins?
    - Is she as tough as charming as the music vibe indicates?
    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      Thanks for that, Michael! And yeah, I did "sneak away" for almost a month, because I needed a break from Skyrim. I decided to put a lot of game hours into "Crusaders Kings III" instead - a grand strategy game - and more recently a few medieval city builders. I've done a good bit of writing on my stories too, so that's a nice progress. But the calling of my characters eventually brought me back and I'll see if I can be a bit more active here on Nexus again...

      Dynaheir is my version of a character and companion you could bring in your team in the old classic RPG "Baldur's Game". Her background is therefor already written by those who made the game and she hails from the Forgotten Realms in Dungeons and Dragons. You can read up on her here if you want to: Dynaheir

      "Baldur's Gate" remains a superb gaming experience to me as it was my real introduction to PC games? and I still play it up to this day as well as the second part of the grand serie, "Baldur's Gate 2" (which is even more epic). Obviously I'm eagerly awaiting the release of "Baldur's Gate 3" which is in production and development by Larian Studios. I've already bought in Early Access, but I haven't played it too much since I want the full adventure at once.

      But back to Dynaheir and to the answer of your second question. YES! She's indeed a very confident woman, almost to the point that some find her obnoxious. I often let her tag along though since she comes with another character which is just hilarious, Minsc and his hamster Boo...
  7. Vermi77
    • supporter
    • 729 kudos
    Beautiful portraits and beautiful choice of outfit. I love how it contrasts this mystical sorceress' skin colour
    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      Thank you very much, Yahya!

      I've felt a bit uninspired in regards of Skyrim as of late, so I needed a bit of a break from it, but that's nothing a grand sorceress can't change, right? So I did a few portraits with my version of Dynaheir from Baldur's Gate and picked this outfit - again I should say since I've used it before - because it plays very nicely indeed to her skin tone. I still haven't tried all that many outfits for Skyrim SE, but I'll get there eventually. I sure have the character amount for the task...