Skyrim Special Edition
Essenca plus some rant

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  1. Valikraz
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    She's beautiful. Her gaze appears to tiptoe between undressing and dissecting her target.
    1. Sanna92
      • supporter
      • 215 kudos
      She's not going to undress anyone, that I can asure you. She's a stone-cold killer
  2. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos
    I was wondering if you had removed that set that was moved to Supporter's, because I went over there looking for it.  A lot of us have fallen afoul of the Nexus rules at one time or another (including me--it was over something I had to blow up the image to 400 magnification in GIMP to see ).  It can be frustrating, but don't let it hinder you taking your screenshots in any way--they're gorgeous and I love seeing them, especially this now-named red haired lady.
    1. arghTease
      • premium
      • 206 kudos
      gotta second everything said here!  your work excels so don't let the "green eyed trolls" win the day 
    2. Sanna92
      • supporter
      • 215 kudos
      Yes, I did remove it since I'm not planning to post anything there. I have nothing against NSFW content as long as it stays within the boundaries of being tasteful and respectful but as I just said, posting anything there doesn't seem like something I want to do
      A long time ago, back during my fallout 4 days, I had an issue where my character's jeans (you know, where the button on the middle is, above the zipper) were sticking out a little from the body and it was casting a shadow on skin, looking like hair... you may guess the rest

      Anyways, I did contact the staff yesterday and we straighten everything up. Seems like both sides over-reacted a little but everything is good now and I could actually say a lot of good words about them
  3. thesarantis
    • premium
    • 199 kudos
    Great images!
    Just do what you like with love and f*** the rest.
    Mistakes happen, and we make also! Don't lose time having these thoughts again and again!
    1. Sanna92
      • supporter
      • 215 kudos
      Well said and I guess you're right
  4. sexina330
    • premium
    • 26 kudos
    Grüße da haste ein Meisterwerk geschaffen   |
    1. Sanna92
      • supporter
      • 215 kudos
      Danke vielmals!
  5. Vermi77
    • supporter
    • 712 kudos
    Well, it's better out than in. It's good to express thoughts like that rather than dwell on them for long. 
    I think I remember the outfit you used, Fantasy Series 5? I have used it a couple of times, but I later realised that the top is against the rules on the Nexus and haven't used it since. Same with the outfit I used here, which is why I uploaded those pictures directly to the Supporter section.
    (Pictures with outfits that only just hide the 'sensitive bits' get moved to the Supporter section from what I've seen).

    But don't let it discourage you; your work has been awesome so far and there are plenty of high quality outfits that fit the rules.
    1. Sanna92
      • supporter
      • 215 kudos
      It doesn't bother me as much but when something like this happens, it gives me that bitter feeling of wasted time and effort. 

      Yes, it was Fantasy Series 5 which i've seen on many images, including yours so I considered it 'safe'. Even one of the moderators said it's fine when asked. So, as you can see - it's kind of weird. 
      I'll probably refuse to give up on that particular outfit and find some other top that would fit the tribal theme, allowing me to place those 'bra-skulls' on top of it. Anyways, thanks for sharing your point of view. 
  6. VladTepes85
    • member
    • 128 kudos
    Looks amazing great job !
    1. Sanna92
      • supporter
      • 215 kudos
      Thank you
    • premium
    • 93 kudos
    Wonderful capture, Adrianna! :-) Your works are very beautiful and almost partly to be called art, I appreciate them very much. Your attitude is completely acceptable and I hope you can wear everything as it is right for you.
    1. Sanna92
      • supporter
      • 215 kudos
      Definitely not art but I'm just aiming for things that are aesthetically pleasing but still, thanks
  8. Karna5
    • premium
    • 293 kudos
    Hi, Sanna92 :) Beautiful images and post :)

    I felt like you did a few years ago. All I can say is ever since I switched to the supporter section I've felt much more artistically free. I didn't fully realize it years ago when I posted in the regular section, but everything from clothing to angles was influenced by trying to comply with rules. Now that I don't use the regular section I only pay attention to what I think is pretty or poetical.

    Truly I understand your sentiments and felt as you did a few years ago, but if you ever decide to switch to the Supporter section I suspect you'll come to appreciate its freedom :)

    Either way, these are beautiful images, and I hope you find happiness wherever and whatever you do :)
    1. Sanna92
      • supporter
      • 215 kudos
      Hey Karna
      Freedom or not, it's kind of stuck in my head that supporter section is only for nudity and such. As much as I can appreciate nudity and don't mind it, it's just not something I'd like to post. Well, maybe I'm weird to think this way but it's how it is.
      Thanks for the reply and nice words, I appreciate it