Skyrim Special Edition
If only cp77 was as moddable as Skyrim

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  1. NewVegasPersonMan
    • member
    • 13 kudos
    true, the game isn't finished and even modders can't finish it so it sucks a big one... Not to mention updates from devs are so few and far apart
    1. cornflakes1023
      • premium
      • 115 kudos
      Yep, my brother bought it for me for my birthday but I didn't even get to play it until 6 months past my next birthday, lol. The waiting just made the let down that much more harsh. It's a cool world that could be amazing with some modding tools but the stingy bastards are going to drive it into the ground instead.
    2. NewVegasPersonMan
      • member
      • 13 kudos
      Facts. I got it from my own pocket, first time pre-ordered so i could play day 1 since my holidays aligned and i had free time from work... Worst thing is that the intro sequence was polished enough and if you didn't rush it, it passes the Steams refund policy of 2hrs so you can't really refund it...
      Game took years to make and the world with the story has potential, but all the updates are literally bug fixes... Its gonna be years with their pace for the game to be bug free\finished and that's if they actually pull through with it instead of dropping it like most devs do.
    3. guffeh
      • premium
      • 76 kudos
      Are you me? Same thing here. Bro bought it for my b-day and I feel bad because it feels like I made him waste his money.   Still haven't finished it because I ran into a quest bug on my 100 hour save that made progression impossible and CDPR's fix wasn't retroactive, so I'd have to start a new save. 

      Modders are doing the best they can with what they have to work with, just a shame CDPR didn't release a better product.