Skyrim Special Edition
Rise of the Fallen

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Unslaad Toor, my Dinok Sonaak, your time has come at last."

The Dovah once ruled these lands, their power dominating and subjugating all within their reach.

Many chose to serve in the hopes of a better life. Some devoted their very essence to acting as the mouthpiece and punishing hand of their dragon masters. These "Priests" were granted incredible powers for their unwavering loyalty, bestowed by the adorning themselves with masks presented to them.

Since the fall of the dragon empire, few even remember the names of those once deemed worthy of such power.

Even fewer knew that other masks were once delivered to individuals in secret near the end of the war, to be hidden away from the world until a suitable point in time allowed for their resurrection. Not to priests or public figures, but agents deemed skillful enough to sow chaos and war amongst the races of the realm in preparation for their masters return.

That time is now, the Dov have returned to the skies. Alduin has come to claim the world.

It shall bow before him, or burn in defiance.