Skyrim Special Edition
29th Theme - Remnants from days of old

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This user's image description contains 15 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. Excellentium
    • member
    • 354 kudos
    First of all, I must admit I was a bit surprised to see this contribution from you! We haven't seen that many Skyrim shots made by you - sadly - and I do believe it's the first time you ever bring an addition to the theme event as well (forgive me if I'm wrong). Secondly, I immediately smiled when I realised you had indeed brought some images for us, because I do like your visual style and technique very much. The heavy use of grain that you often use always makes your captures both unique and interesting - like old film stills we still can admire today with a slide show projector. Maybe it's me being nostalgic when seeing such images, because I remember many days as a young boy, watching such slide shows at the home of my grandfather and sometimes even my parents...

    Very distinct, dark and innovative shots with lots of small ruin figures and silhouettes here! Not too many did that approach even if I had a few tries myself in the presentation set. I'm glad it intrigued you to continue and encouraged you enough to join in. Thank you ever so much!
    1. UnusedSadness
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      Hi Rick,
      so sorry for this very late response, since I was so happy to see that you took the time to look at my images - I always feel deeply honoured when you do so.

      Your themes always inspire me to think about images I could capture - sadly often the lack of motivation keeps me from doing it......something I regret regularly then.
      I have managed to mess up my game again (it's more than 2 months now!) and therefore this contribution was a mix of previous, older pictures.
      But, since I like ruins very much and especially when they integrate back into nature, it was not too difficult to find some.

      Yeah, hehe - I tend to overdo the thing with the grain  - maybe it's my attempt to avoid too much beauty and concinnity or 'smoothness' or maybe I am nostalgic too and it's a tribute to the slides from my dad which I loved.....anyway, I think it fits the world of the dragons well.
      All in all, I want to thank you for the lot of work you put into these themes - I love the diversity and imagination people show with their work and the quality is often really impressive.
       And I also love how it puts the focus on more things and landscapes or situations and atmosphere instead of pure 'people' images. (You know that this is not meant against your characters or other pictures that shows individuals and personalities, but more against 'cuties' and 'dolls' - even if they are well made).

      Haven't seen sets from you lately - honestly hope you are well!?
  2. 0nelazyBattlemaga
    • premium
    • 247 kudos
    Your images are grand. Thank you for sharing.
    1. UnusedSadness
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      Thank you very much for taking the time and the kind words.
      Sharing is nearly the best part of taking screenshots (and benevolent words are balm for the soul )
  3. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 330 kudos
    Deine Bilder sind einfach nur ein Traum und immer wieder Inspiration für mich. Du kannst so wunderbar den Fokus variieren, machst Kleines ganz groß und Großes ganz klein ...
    hinzu kommt der Sepia touch Deiner Bilder, der das Thema rein farblich-visuell untermalt und damit die richtige Stimmung erzeugt.
    Für mich bist Du Eine der ganz Großen hier
    1. UnusedSadness
      • premium
      • 24 kudos

      Ich danke dir so sehr, das du dir die Zeit genommen hast sie dir anzusehen?........und noch viel mehr für diesen wunderbaren Kommentar.
      Die Bilder sind aus meinem Bestand und somit aus verschiedenen 'Fotosessions' mit unterschiedlichen LUT's des 'Silent Horizon ENB's' und wenn ich mich richtig entsinne sind die mit der bräunlichen Grundfärbung mit dem Revolution-LUT 'November' aufgenommen, es ist ein sehr spezielles, das dem Spiel eine komplett neue Färbung verpasst. Ich liebe es sehr.
  4. Reaper060389
    • supporter
    • 151 kudos
    Wunderbares Set
    Das sind tolle Bilder.
    Weekend is almost over, daher wünsche ich dir einen schönen Sonntag
    1. UnusedSadness
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      Vielen lieben Dank für deinen netten Kommentar.
      Musste heute zwar 4 Stunden arbeiten, aber sonst war der Sonntag geruhsam. Hoffe du hattest auch einen guten Tag - Gruß an Dich/Euch.
    2. Reaper060389
      • supporter
      • 151 kudos
      Und das auf einen Sonntag, ohmann.
      In welcher Branche? Bäckerei?
      Mein Tag war gut danke
  5. DangerousChicken12
    • supporter
    • 180 kudos
    These are very awesome screens,
    hope you get your game sorted,
    would love to see more!!
    Enjoy your weekend too.
    1. UnusedSadness
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      Thank you very much for taking the time and for this nice compliment.
      It's not the first time I messed up my game but it's all my fault again: I just want too much.
      Every time I look at one of the other peoples set (like yours too), I become a bit envious and want mine to look as good as theirs. Also, I love all the incredible mod made by these talented modders (especially awesome textures and new locations)........and I want them all. Without taking care if my bit older rig can handle them or if they all work well together .......end of the story: CDT's.
      And since I am not a really skilled modder I am not able to find the culprits within that chaos and I have to start anew. *sigh*
      Maybe I will learn the lesson this time and restrict myself in my greed (probably not ).
    2. DangerousChicken12
      • supporter
      • 180 kudos
      I have been there on that one!! I have been "I want it all then no game start lol!!!" When I did a fresh install early this year, I nearly killed it, but I installed a mod called Alternative start, advice from dear Ista3 (Izzy) and test each mod after install and if there is a issue, you are right there to know it is the latest mod you have installed!! After finalizing mod order, I delete all the saves in the games/ skyrim se/saves, folder and then start a brand new playthrough!! 
      See you soon after you have sorted thing out!! 
    3. UnusedSadness
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      That's so kind!
      I already plan to use the mod 'Alternate Start' again and since I use MO2 I will first use a guide to set up a stable base game, and then will tinker around with different profiles  - so the next time I mess up my game, I can always go back to the base game and give it a new try. (that's the theory - will have to wait, if it works in practice.)
  6. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos
    It's really not hard to mess up Skyrim, if you look at it cross-eyed it gets tempermental.   Outstanding set!  They're all wonderful, but especially love the vertical night sky shot and the horizontal one (I'm a sky watcher at night--well, when the sky is not pouring rain ).
    1. UnusedSadness
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      Oh, I don't blame Skyrim SE - I had quite a stable load order and the game was looking really fine but I overextended it and my rig by adding this and that and in the end, I just had too many textures and too many mods that would have needed probably patches. I just have to make a stricter preselection........and that will be really, really hard .
      I am very glad that you found these night shots enjoyable - was not sure if they would fit the theme since the ruins are not very prominent on the other hand it's exactly how I like them: when they become part of the landscape again and they no longer appear like a man-made construct.
      Anyway - I thank you very much for taking the time - I always feel so well supported and encouraged because of your nice comments. Thank you!
  7. denzel4444
    • premium
    • 52 kudos
    Very beautiful set, top quality as ever!
    1. UnusedSadness
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      I thank you very much for taking the time.
      And I also want to thank you for your constant encouragement.
  8. Dibthelegend
    • supporter
    • 309 kudos
    Those starry night silhouettes are quite beautiful. I love those 2 Solstheim shots as well, that particular ruin is always so picturesque on the waterfront.
    Nice shots! :))
    1. UnusedSadness
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      Thank you so much for taking the time.
      Yeah, these old Norse ruins have such a strong and unique silhouette with these 'triangle' arches and I found it really nice how they repeat the shape of the mountains.
      I love Soltsheim in general - like Far Harbor in Fallout, it's the place where land meets water and also it provides you with some interesting weather- and light conditions.
      And you are right: this particular ruin is very photogenic - the strong vertical tower with the fragile bridge is a nice contrast......and did I mention my beloved water?
      Again - thank you, your encouragement means a lot!
  9. goampuja
    • premium
    • 865 kudos
    Definately enjoyable. They look fantastic
    1. UnusedSadness
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      Thank you very much for taking the time. Really glad that you found some you like.
      I am always uncertain if they can match up with all the fantastic works you can see here on Nexus......on the other hand: diversity is the key, isn't it?
  10. Karna5
    • premium
    • 295 kudos
    Beautiful :)
    1. UnusedSadness
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      Thank you so much for taking the time. I feel honoured that you think they are nice.