Skyrim Special Edition
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  1. tritonforge
    • premium
    • 15 kudos
    im so jealous. may i ask what armor mods are shown?
    1. liemertha
      • supporter
      • 94 kudos
      Its combined assets, the base I use Nord Tribal Armor + nisetanaka steel bikini armor parts + other part I forgot where, all combined together
  2. thesarantis
    • premium
    • 199 kudos
    Wonderful screenies!!! Now as for the LE vs SE i will stick with what Jon said! He is a master in such things!
    1. liemertha
      • supporter
      • 94 kudos
      Thank you !

      Yes I agree, I simply cant leave LE, because most of my own personal mods cant be converted to SE without breaking the game lmao
  3. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 880 kudos
    Nice! It is more stable but if you mod your game carefully LE is also stable. I played LE for 10 years with very few issues. While I have SE installed now my LE game is also installed and both run great. A lot of people just overwhelmed their LE game. In other words SE is more forgiving towards people who perhaps don't have the most stable mods installed. It can also handle a lot more mods reliably.

    I still prefer the overall look of LE, especially with ENB. I still find skin in SE looks a bit off at times, especially when not in direct light.

    On the other hand SE has some really cool mods, you can mod it more intensely, and with some effort it looks very good.
    1. liemertha
      • supporter
      • 94 kudos
      Tbh the motivation I started to play SE is because of gameplay reason, tons of new gameplay overhaul that tempt me to install it . And  I am saying more stable in a way that the loading time is faster and rarely crash (though my own LE is also rarely crash unless I do something stupid sometimes lol). Also I agree with overall look with ENB, I dont know why but for some reason my SE visual is a bit blurry even with the same ENB on both version (Rudy ENB) and my LE look more focused and sharper. FYI I will never uninstall my LE until I completely hate Skyrim (which is probably not gonna happen in a few years )