Skyrim Special Edition
Survey Regarding Ready for Sovngarde

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Hey there! I‘ve got a question for you...

I want my Dragonborn to come to Sovngarde after her death. However, I‘m using LotD, which means stealing things is almost necessary. Therefore she also becomes thieves guild master, but (thanks to a great mod) WITHOUT selling her soul to Nocturnal. In life, she will only work for Meridia and Sanguine, and eventually turn away from thievery. 

What do you think, should she avoid the thieves guild at all? What are your thoughts at that topic? (Thanks to a great man with much (lore) knowledge I know there is no sure response, however, we can still do some brainstorming. Maybe you have some ideas how to get most out of legacy without "grey" activities... ;))


  1. SyddSpartan
    • supporter
    • 119 kudos
    You could have it so that thievery was a necessity for them to survive and redeem themselves following that as Will said. 

    Assuming you're not a nightingale and a guild master you can also take the reigns and rebuild the guild around being honourable like stealing from the corrupt and helping the poor, basically like robinhood where the guild solely operates around helping society, but going this way also has downsides because I doubt many characters would join you down this path, its one of the reasons I just avoid the thieves guild entirely. 
  2. thesarantis
    • premium
    • 199 kudos
    Maybe she could steal only from the Thalmor and some other mean people who don't give a damn for Skyrim's populace except their own interests.
    She could offer the stolen goods to poor Nords, especially poor children who lost their parents.
    Thus turning the Thieves Guild faction to a somehow Robin Hood faction.
    1. Beba
      • supporter
      • 126 kudos
      Oh, this is an awesome idea.
  3. MasterBobcat
    • member
    • 33 kudos
    The way I see it, if you sell your soul to everyone, there would be a universe-class throwdown over your soul when you die. Getting as many Princes involved as possible might be the best chance you have of being able to slip away during the confusion to the afterlife you actually want.
  4. Klaxoid
    • member
    • 193 kudos
    One has to assume that there is room for a redemption arc in the lore. If you think that is the case then you could have a crisis of faith which causes your char to do some shady stuff for a while (easily done with Sanguine's influence). Then she could see the threat that the return of the dragons and their legions of undead pose to the world and fight to save Tamriel (and redeem her soul in the process)