Vernim Wood and Heljarchen Creek

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About this image

I started on these two villages in January, but never continued, because shortly after finishing up the exterior of Snowhawk I wanted to go in another direction first.

Up until now it have been a very eventful year for me. But it seems that in late July things will finally slow down and I will return to my home country and be finally able to get back to modding Skyrim, fixing my released mods, going through with the updates I announced and also of course adding new villages from Arena into Skyrim.


  1. waeq17
    • premium
    • 55 kudos
    Oh, these look amazing! I hope this year becomes less stressful for you and that you are able to return home soon.
  2. XXphasebimXX
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Happy to see you back to villages, but even more glad to hear that things are quieting down now soon. Remember to take time to yourself if you need to
    1. Schlitzohr
      • premium
      • 1,045 kudos
      I'm grateful that people are still keeping up with my mods, even while I'm unable to properly support the released settlements and upload new ones. Thank you!
  3. St4afe
    • premium
    • 33 kudos
    I love the location of first one. Looks amazing as always.
    1. Schlitzohr
      • premium
      • 1,045 kudos
      Thanks, I also have a screenshot where it is progressed a bit further. I will upload that in a few days to show something, as long as I'm unable to continue modding.
  4. phatbassanchor
    • premium
    • 67 kudos
    Greetings friend
    I'm currently rebuilding my LO on my tower, moving over from my laptop.  So, I can actually add more mods now and not witness a slideshow!  Hahaha   I already have Lainalten and Oakwood slated for worldspace improvements and just fell in love with Vernim Wood and Heljarchen Creek too!   I will likely just take the whole lot and install all of your mods!  Hahaha  
    Love your work, my friend.  Thank you sincerely!
    Adventure ever on, Phat
    1. Schlitzohr
      • premium
      • 1,045 kudos
      Thank you!