About this image
I started on these two villages in January, but never continued, because shortly after finishing up the exterior of Snowhawk I wanted to go in another direction first.
Up until now it have been a very eventful year for me. But it seems that in late July things will finally slow down and I will return to my home country and be finally able to get back to modding Skyrim, fixing my released mods, going through with the updates I announced and also of course adding new villages from Arena into Skyrim.
I'm currently rebuilding my LO on my tower, moving over from my laptop. So, I can actually add more mods now and not witness a slideshow! Hahaha I already have Lainalten and Oakwood slated for worldspace improvements and just fell in love with Vernim Wood and Heljarchen Creek too! I will likely just take the whole lot and install all of your mods! Hahaha
Love your work, my friend. Thank you sincerely!
Adventure ever on, Phat