Skyrim Special Edition
Ardaana my Altmer character

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The Altmer. The fraction that rules. The Thalmer. Hated by most is more like it. Ardaana hated her people and what they have become. She hated that there was no freedom, no sense of belonging. Although an Altmer herself, she was not a Thalmor and knew she did not belong here with the rest of her people. Under Elenwen’s rule, they became cruel and savage and Elenwen
had them believing that their way was the right way and the only way.

On her travels to Skyrim, Ardaana met people who were kind and considerate, while her people enslaved and tortured others. So what if the people of Skyrim worshipped someone different. It was their right. As she was constantly being told, she herself was different because of her unusual markings and her skin tone. The time came when Ardaana could no longer stay here with those who called themselves better than others, and thought themselves better than others, for they were not.

During the day, Ardaana collected and gathered items she thought she would need along with any gold she could find and stashed them away for very soon she was going to leave this place. She wanted no part in the cruelty and horrors that she has seen here that these people have done. She would go to the college in Winterhold and improve and hone her magic skills and then build herself a new home overlooking a lake.

The shame of it all! Her own mother, Elenwen, ordered her to be beaten just because she refused to take up arms and learn how to fight with weapons. No more. Ardaana could take no more. She needed no weapons for she had her magic which was more powerful than their weapons. Aching, hurt and sore, Ardaana left the Thalmar Embassy in the dark of the night with her
stashed items. As she left the guards wished her luck. Elenwen placed a bounty on her, yet passing patrols defied the orders and instead gave her food and supplies. Ardaana cursed Elenwen for
what she did to her. Her mother would one day pay for what she suffered at her hands, for Elenwen’s cruelty goes too far and knows no end.