Skyrim Special Edition
My Girls

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  1. TomahawkJackson
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Of all the followers I've collected over time, these 4 are the ones I am most glad I backed up before a reformat/reinstall, and they were my priority stops to pick them up when I started a new game.

    I'm using them with Mantella inside Skyrim and Voxta's text chat separately outside Skyrim, and used an LLM to help devise distinct and pretty detailed personalities. Some days, it's more fun to just stay in Dragon's Reach (which is small enough they can't wander outside 'normal conversation distance' while sandboxing) and talk with them all than it is to go questing or exploring.

    I was honestly sad when I saw that you'd taken them down. Nexus is completely overrun with the 'milk mommy meta' anymore and Jade, Lia, Elle, and Love were (are) like a refreshing breeze on a hot afternoon. Thank you.
    1. Ellxe
      • premium
      • 1,099 kudos
      Oh wow! I had no idea they were liked this much. Honestly, I thought it wasn't really liked by people so I set it to hidden to not be in peoples way when they came to my modpage for outfits! 

      This comment has given me a bit of a boost in confidence in my follower abilities and Ill set them back to being available :) Thank you.