Skyrim Special Edition
Turtle's Whiterun -Check the description for more images-

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  1. Idovelicus
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Have you checked out The City of Walls?
    It's buggy and huge but the guy who made it has been working on a redo for years and it will be coming soon. I recommend checking out his discord server. It's incredible. 
    This looks spectacular, by the by. How did you get the Gildergreen plaza looking that way? I don't recognize the tree version or the little lion statues. And I certainly don't recognize that massive Roamn arch over the Jorrvaskr entrance! Since I know all the other mods on the list, I'm gonna guess those came from the abandoned early alpha at the bottom of said list?
    1. turtlegodking
      • premium
      • 440 kudos
      I will look into and see if it works with all the stuff.
      And all the Roman stuff is from the WIP which you can see here but the download link does not work.

      I am going to host the WIP on my Discord server if you want to get it as you can not really get it from the site and I don't know if Nexus would take to kindly to me uploading it