Skyrim Special Edition
Light Limit Fix Particle Lights

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  1. StrayHALOMAN
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    I can't wait for this to come out, I hate having to use enb for alot of things, plus the AI can see these lights unlike with ENB lights.
    No more hiding under a torch that only makes ENB lights lol.
  2. JohnyBungalow1
    • premium
    • 230 kudos
    How have u eliminated the performance toll of original, or even previous ENB particle lights? Also, what about shadows casting of these new particle lights?
    1. doodlum
      • premium
      • 3,477 kudos
      treating them as exclusively lights, preventing them rendering entirely, and merging lights (wip).

      no shadows but will happen eventually 
    2. JohnyBungalow1
      • premium
      • 230 kudos
      So, the additonal performance cost will happen when there will be shadow computations, correct?
    3. doodlum
      • premium
      • 3,477 kudos
      Performance issues are about the scalability of the lights. So without particle rendering or shadows, the impact per light is less, but when you have like 20 lights or so on the screen it is still going to be costly. 

      If I do shadows it will use a different method rather than screenspace raymarching so that rather than traversing 8-24 samples per light per pixel, it samples only once per light per pixel.
    4. doodlum
      • premium
      • 3,477 kudos
      As a basic comparison, in Dragonsreach my particle lights do not have a measurable impact since toggling it, I stay at 239 fps whereas ENB goes from 169 to 166 (0.1MS). However my lights are unfinished still.
    5. doodlum
      • premium
      • 3,477 kudos

      Disabled shadows and NMS on ENB lights, just left on ENB's Big Range and Optimise Small Lights options ðŸ˜‰
    6. Butterfliezzz
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      So shadow casting lights will still cause flickering if past the limit?
  3. kuczaja
    • premium
    • 65 kudos
    One the video you've shown that we will get some level of control over particle light's radius and intensity. 

    May i ask if it would be possible to add similar slider to *all* lights, globally? 

    My reasoning is this: many light mods have their lights with small radius, without much fade, so they won't overlap and cause meshes to bug. This however looks very unrealistic and create dark spots with no light at all. This is not really how lights behave, they bounce off every surface and luminate entire room to some degree. However with Light Limit Fix, there wouldn't be any need to have lights cut off early. They could overlap to their hearts content. But still it would require editing every light source in light mods to give them bigger radius and fade value to compensate. 

    Thus a global light slider could help :3
  4. SonnyM94
    • premium
    • 22 kudos
    That feeling when Light Limit Fix is getting closer and closer:

    Seriously, amazing work!
  5. VirtualLich
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Can't wait :(
  6. MaskedRPGFan
    • premium
    • 1,911 kudos
    This is great!
  7. YshtoIa
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    insanneeeeee work
  8. TheSchroedingercat
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    hopefully someday I can run more colorful critters with ENB light enabled, thanks to you!
  9. Domenicus7
    • premium
    • 117 kudos
    1. Vendasia
      • member
      • 13 kudos
      Magic is for the weak! Pick up some steel, if you want to fight me!
    2. tbryson01
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Strength and steel are well and good, but magic is the true power in this world.
    3. tattwood
      • member
      • 107 kudos
      The Dwemer have found a new magic called "technology" and made it available for everyone. Magic is no longer the realm of those elitist mage freaks! All that weird "lightning" coming out of their fingers. Disgusting!
    4. tedbash
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Yea, used that tech and degenerated into falmer. 

      Magic it is, admit!
  10. a1racer
    • premium
    • 13 kudos
    Ah I’ve always loved enb light mod, but it absolutely kills FPS. So if we can get similar effects with even a slight reduction in performance loss that’s a win in my view. Plus the colors and speed the light moves around looks impressive.