Skyrim Special Edition
LLF Infinite Lights Distance

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  1. Minimax94
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    No way man... you're the goat.
  2. ChildofDragons
    • premium
    • 22 kudos
    How is LLF progress going?
  3. faguyev
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Why you, at your skill level, just try to improve a closed source game engine?
    Why not improve something like, dunno, OpenMW engine, help extend the list of supported games to the other TES games and make your creation eternal?
    1. hanyK
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      i see doodloo i happy
    2. doodlum
      • premium
      • 3,477 kudos
      Skyrim is so complicated that OpenMW won't replace it for a long, long time if ever.
    3. kekkler
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Doods is Todd Howard but he doesn't have sweet little lies
    4. jcrawl16
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      @doodlum There's actually a guy working on porting both Oblivion and Skyrim into OpenMW. Last I checked, he had Oblivion's whole worldspace, NPCs, UI, sound and music, and even animations successfully ported into OpenMW. Now, the NPCs didn't have any AI or quests but they were there, in Oblvion's worldspace, with Oblivion's UI and animations and sound and music, all inside of OpenMW.
  4. MaskedRPGFan
    • premium
    • 1,911 kudos
    Wow, amazing work, can't wait to try it
  5. vhcanton
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    Sorry for the dumb question, but... is this ENB, or something akin of Community Shaders?
    1. kuczaja
      • premium
      • 65 kudos
      It's the reason Community Shaders happened in the first place. Doodlez's magnum opus, engine-level fix for light limit. No ENB required, but ENB Lights will be recognized and rendered as normal engine-level lights. 
    2. vhcanton
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      Oh, I see. Thanks for the clarification. Is that already a thing? I mean, using enb lights mods and they are rendered as normal engine lights as of current Community Shaders version? Or is that upcoming? I have Comunity Shaders installed, but havent got to play with it yet (still finishing up my modlist).
    3. kuczaja
      • premium
      • 65 kudos
      It is still very much WIP. Hard to say when Doodman will release it, hopefully soon
  6. BeedyKH
    • supporter
    • 9 kudos
  7. a1racer
    • premium
    • 13 kudos
    honestly this maybe one of the biggest breakthrough mods for Skyrim right along with dyndolod and skse just the fact that it can even work with dyndolod and come out looking great. I can't wait till this gets fleshed out more and has shadows and stuff running. I'm a huge enb fan but this would take so much burden off enb and remove that enb light frame drop. 
  8. cluzaa
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    What a great work, is amazing GG !
  9. FardeenRiyadh16
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    How is performance not affected that much by it? Does Doodlez secretly have access to the Creation Engine
    1. E33129
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      doodlum is Todd Howard confirmed.
    2. tattwood
      • member
      • 107 kudos
      I think it was explained in one of doodlum's previous posts. and why ENB particle lights are slow to render. ENB particle lights are rendered as meshes. 

      Currently these lights are 5.5 times faster than ENB's version(!) in this testing case, because the rendering of these particles and meshes is blocked entirely, since they are replaced with true light sources. The cost of the particle lights comes from them being rendered as meshes. If meshes are left enabled then this techniques costs slightly more than ENB does.

      From this, I assume "light sources" are treated differently by the renderer (maybe involving hardware lights applying vertex shading across the scene), rather than a light source being rendered as a separate "mesh". But this is just a guess based on my very limited understanding of graphics.

      Edit: Also, ENB uses shadows. This Light fix doesn't. (In my view, this is fine because the effect of having additional lights, adds a huge amount to the overall look of a scene. Shadows on lights in many cases, are barely noticable, especially from small light sources like candles. So by not rendering shadows, it isn't really detrimental to the look of a scene, and great for improving the visual quality for low-end PC's).
    3. doodlum
      • premium
      • 3,477 kudos
      I haven't tested the enb shadows.

      I do have a relatively fast shadows algorithm already, I'm just not a fan of the look because lights will still cast through tables etc. same as ENB.
  10. DaBlake
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    you're literally Todd Mk.II