Shanoa Armor

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  1. Redzik
    • supporter
    • 14 kudos
    Armor is armor, but more important Who is she? xD Probably will be one of the best follower xD
    1. saltmaxwellpshk
      • member
      • 724 kudos
      not follower.
      This character was made by myself using ECE.
    2. Redzik
      • supporter
      • 14 kudos
      Yep I know is your job, great job, thx. I saw more screens very similar to her, but Can you get us preset?
    3. saltmaxwellpshk
      • member
      • 724 kudos
      I am sorry that my English is so bad.
      I plan to upload not the preset but the follower because it is necessary to select texture and so on.
      I plan to upload the follower when ECE(SE ver) become able to output face model ,because i have not Oldrim.
    4. Redzik
      • supporter
      • 14 kudos
      Thx for reply, Actually I do not play the Skyrim SE, and I haven't tried SKSE yet. Probably we need wait for full version to work ECE.
  2. zen1966
    • supporter
    • 15 kudos
    Nice, saw this and just had to convert the armour for UNP for my own character, thanks.
  3. Ironmind91
    • premium
    • 26 kudos
    Wow who is she!? follower?