Skyrim Special Edition
A Housecarl's Duty - Lydia Origin Story

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  1. Reimar67
    • premium
    • 249 kudos
    Excellent work Nibs. That will have taken a lot of work to put together.
    Love the cameo from Idiot Elf. You have to appreciate that apples are very important. Cider can not be made without them.
    Well done mate.
    1. Niborino9409
      • supporter
      • 119 kudos
      Yeah, it took a bigger part of the evenings this week and last weekend. Think I almost burned myself out doing just one AHD😂 But they usually aren't this big and now I have done this part and can let it go. The Elf was the key part here Nobody woulda died unless she stepped in 😆