Sarah Ai

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This user's image description contains 2 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. phatbassanchor
    • premium
    • 67 kudos
    Love Sarah!!! <3  Always have since first we met and always will!!! <3    

    However, I much prefer YOUR renderings of Sarah to this fake looking AI stuff.    

    Adventure ever on my friend, Phat   

    PS:  Yes, I am always this mace blunt honest.  Please bring back YOUR Sarah and ditch this AI garbage... PLEASE!!!  
    1. funerall911
      • BANNED
      • 133 kudos
      I bet you tried to create something interesting with the help of AI, but you were disappointed with the result of the work and you spent a lot of time? I have long noticed that this is the main reason for the negative attitude towards the neural network! Lol! But if you managed to create something beautiful, unique, you would think differently! Ain't I right? 

      And besides, why is AI-arts worse or vice versa better than the same screenshot, photograph or drawing created on a graphics tablet? This is all done by the machine and the person only sets the parameters. With AI absolutely also! So I don't see any problem with that at all! Even vice versa! This is absolutely the same sphere of creativity! (Albeit a little simplified)
    2. phatbassanchor
      • premium
      • 67 kudos
      No!  And, don't be an @$$hole!  I do NOT make anything with AI.  There are some games that I enjoy that have AI renders but you seem to just want a punching bag.  Look elsewhere.  That is NOT me!  

      I love Xtudo's work.   Always have, always will   What I DON'T love is this AI rendering.  It looks fake, like plastic and the make up is all smudged and Sarah has schmutz streaked down her nose in the first image as well as her lipstick is on crooked/outside the lip line.  The second image just looks plastic!  

      You, "lord911" have no clue about me yet you want to take a swipe at me and assume that I am something that I am NOT!  My commentary was aimed at Xtudo, my friend, not YOU!  I love Xtudo's work.  What I don't like are folks who butt into conversations where they have no clue and no business in.  I said I don't like THIS AI render.  I stand by that opinion.  What I will NOT stand for is harassment.  Consider yourself blocked.

      X, my friend... next time I have a critique, I'll just send you a PM.  Sick of trolls.  Have a great day  
    3. funerall911
      • BANNED
      • 133 kudos
      You wrote your opinion in a public, open comment section, not in a private conversation! So be prepared to accept third-party opinions and sometimes criticism! I didn't mean to insult you! And least of all I expected such a response. )) At most, some argument regarding similar art in the section of screenshots from a particular game.
      But in the future, choose words, because there are those who more than like such creativity! Have a great day.
    4. slogwiser
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      In response to post #125021511. #125022975, #125023296, #125023977 are all replies on the same post.


      phatbassanchor wrote: Love Sarah!!! <3  Always have since first we met and always will!!! <3  :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:  

      However, I much prefer YOUR renderings of Sarah to this fake looking AI stuff. :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:   

      Adventure ever on my friend, Phat :smile:  

      PS:  Yes, I am always this mace blunt honest.  Please bring back YOUR Sarah and ditch this AI garbage... PLEASE!!! :smile: 

      lord911 wrote: I bet you tried to create something interesting with the help of AI, but you were disappointed with the result of the work and you spent a lot of time? I have long noticed that this is the main reason for the negative attitude towards the neural network! Lol! But if you managed to create something beautiful, unique, you would think differently! Ain't I right? 

      And besides, why is AI-arts worse or vice versa better than the same screenshot, photograph or drawing created on a graphics tablet? This is all done by the machine and the person only sets the parameters. With AI absolutely also! So I don't see any problem with that at all! Even vice versa! This is absolutely the same sphere of creativity! (Albeit a little simplified)

      phatbassanchor wrote: No!  And, don't be an @$$hole!  I do NOT make anything with AI.  There are some games that I enjoy that have AI renders but you seem to just want a punching bag.  Look elsewhere.  That is NOT me!  

      I love Xtudo's work. :smile:  Always have, always will :smile:  What I DON'T love is this AI rendering.  It looks fake, like plastic and the make up is all smudged and Sarah has schmutz streaked down her nose in the first image as well as her lipstick is on crooked/outside the lip line.  The second image just looks plastic!  

      You, "lord911" have no clue about me yet you want to take a swipe at me and assume that I am something that I am NOT!  My commentary was aimed at Xtudo, my friend, not YOU!  I love Xtudo's work.  What I don't like are folks who butt into conversations where they have no clue and no business in.  I said I don't like THIS AI render.  I stand by that opinion.  What I will NOT stand for is harassment.  Consider yourself blocked.

      X, my friend... next time I have a critique, I'll just send you a PM.  Sick of trolls.  Have a great day :smile: 

      lord911 wrote: You wrote your opinion in a public, open comment section, not in a private conversation! So be prepared to accept third-party opinions and sometimes criticism! I didn't mean to insult you! And least of all I expected such a response. )) At most, some argument regarding similar art in the section of screenshots from a particular game.
      But in the future, choose words, because there are those who more than like such creativity! Have a great day.

      This comment chain isn't very five smiley face material.
  2. lenowin
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    A screenshot that's not dutch angle? Finally. Good images :)
  3. serkethetyt
    • premium
    • 761 kudos
    She looks wonderful! I'm glad that AI didn't changed anything in her perfect face!
  4. Sibbear2021
    • member
    • 16 kudos
    LOL Actually, she looks as exactly as in-game! How many attempts for ai were there in total?
  5. deleted142470008
    • account closed
    • 11 kudos
    Still Cute!!!
  6. PalateSwap
    • premium
    • 17 kudos
    I wonder whose actual art was used to make this.
  7. natalia96
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Lovely ;3🌸 
  8. Handy6373
    • premium
    • 78 kudos
    Wow, so awesome.
  9. funerall911
    • BANNED
    • 133 kudos
    Very cool AI-arts! Especially the main picture!  
  10. SwordRaptor
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Oh wow! That dress! Where? Or...hmm looks almost drawn, not a mod?
    1. HDMFanatic
      • premium
      • 23 kudos
      Yeah, this is an AI-generated artwork of Xtudo's character.