Skyrim Special Edition
This is a screenarcher's dream

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  1. phatbassanchor
    • premium
    • 64 kudos
    Is it just me or does your right bow draw hand alignment seem a bit off???
    These are from my game with a male Nord character.  If it is off for the smaller characters, is there a way to adjust that or would it be a huge PITA???  IDK so I ask.  My first thought is not an easy fix as I remember all you went through to get where we are.  I'll test this theory in my game with Bosmer, Breton and Dunmer to see if it's the smaller character model or just a trick of the mind's eye.  

    I added those shots and several others awaiting your kind approval on the Bowgasm SE page.  You know I favor that Stalhrim Bow and arrows but I have many shots like this and it's always aligned perfectly just like that above.  The one thing I haven't yet checked is with the smaller females particularly Breton, Bosmer or Dunmer, at least not at vanilla height.  I enhance my smaller character's stature a bit using racemenu to keep "give me some sugar" from AFT becoming a smooch to my forehead!  Hahaha   This is why I ask...  because I honestly don't know. Didn't notice anything out of alignment with Bosmer or Dunmer males and I don't play Breton males so may need additional testing...  Once I get SSE reassembled, I will conduct a fact finding mission and send you screenshots.  TBH, I suspect the misalignment is due to another mod interfering with the perfection that is Bowgasm...  Sláinte and Huzzah!

    Adventure ever on dear brother, Phat 
    1. Nicoroshi
      • premium
      • 839 kudos
      It's the animations.
      Different animations will have different locations for the hands from others. The current animation I am using has the arrow rise higher over the front hand as the bow angle increases.
      Not ideal but required for other mods I am using.
      Impossible for me to create model positioning to match every variant of Bow animation out there.
      Well....Technically NOT impossible. Just WAY more work than it's worth to do.
    2. phatbassanchor
      • premium
      • 64 kudos
      So...  Phat was correct about a fix being problematic at best AND that it was another mod's fault.  It is good to feel vindicated. Hahaha   Gratitude for confirming my suspicions, my friend.   Never going to tell you what to use but I just couldn't use a mod that spoiled the perfection of your archery creations. Yet, your enjoyment overrides my broken immersion every time.  Hahaha   Enjoy your animations.  

      Hope you liked the images.  I have more to share.  Just haven't gotten around to it.  I have some great shots of Rivendell, the bug bow, several of the composites, the Dwemer, Glass, Eldergleam and some of the others as well.  I'll get around to sharing them at some point.  Need to share some of my images with Mariner as well.  Love those blades! <3   
  2. EiraSvero
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    Beautiful.  As always.

    What hair is that?  Is it SMP?  IF so where do I get it?
    1. Nicoroshi
      • premium
      • 839 kudos
      I believe Hair is from Dint999, Xing, and Fuse
      They are SMP enabled.
    2. EiraSvero
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      You're awesome.  Again... as always.