A song of Ice and Fire

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  1. serkethetyt
    • premium
    • 760 kudos
    Somebody call the emergency! Awesome set bro! I love the concept and the outfits, the background in fire shots is just amaaaazing! Cannot, tho, forget about Tiazinha and Feiticeira set you did once HAHAH Is a good continuation so I demand MORE
    1. VoDovahKiin
      • supporter
      • 131 kudos

      I'm really glad ya liked it sis because one of those ideas that I had just to make and came to me after finishing em and thinking of the differences in their personalities. I may just have to revisit those two characters again because it was so much fun doing that idea ο»ΏπŸ˜‚
      Thank you so much for the kind words dear sis 😁
  2. frank213
    • premium
    • 830 kudos
    1. VoDovahKiin
      • supporter
      • 131 kudos
      That's a lovely song, thank you my friend 😊
  3. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,136 kudos
    Beautiful character works and captures Moe :)
    Great video too .)
    1. VoDovahKiin
      • supporter
      • 131 kudos
      Thanks so much, Izzy, glad you enjoyed it 😊
  4. Khermiit
    • supporter
    • 76 kudos
    Ungawa...fire good!

    Great shots of both brother!
    1. VoDovahKiin
      • supporter
      • 131 kudos
      LOL! πŸ˜‚

      Thanks bro, I really appreciate it 😊
  5. Olympus2917
    • premium
    • 207 kudos
    If i was Mr. Martin i could die happily after that! ( hopefully without suffering a stroke! Haha! )
    Your ladies are absolutely majestic bro!
    I could share some naughty thoughts in Greek because i can't express my feelings in English exactly as i think of them!
    But i don't want to cause any shocks!
    The staging and the color shades are exactly on point, really marvelous!
    And although i love them both i think i have a little bit more soft spot in the fire lady! (Ahlam?). Love her hairdo! Makes her more mysterious other than sexy!
    1. VoDovahKiin
      • supporter
      • 131 kudos
      πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ Luckily one of these gals knows restoration and can help ya πŸ˜‰
      You could write em in Greek but we both know google translate would butcher it and make it seem like your talking about ducks or something LOL! 
      You know I'm not easily shocked either way bro πŸ˜‰
      Glad to know I still got it because I knew you would like her more and yeah it's Ahlam. I'm glad you fo because I was hesitant at first with that hair because I worried it covered too much of her face but in the end felt like you said that it added a nice mysterious look to her.
      Really appreciate you writing a kind and thoughtful comment ma bro, many many many thanks dear bro 😁🀟
  6. Beba
    • supporter
    • 128 kudos
    1. VoDovahKiin
      • supporter
      • 131 kudos
      Thank you so much my friend 😊
  7. DangerousChicken12
    • supporter
    • 184 kudos

    1. VoDovahKiin
      • supporter
      • 131 kudos

  8. MiladyKarina
    • supporter
    • 134 kudos
    Ice and flame. Beautiful and very sensitive, Moe.
    1. VoDovahKiin
      • supporter
      • 131 kudos
      Really happy you enjoyed it.
      Thanks you so much my friend 😊
  9. Karna5
    • premium
    • 320 kudos
    So beautiful :) What a magnificent set! :)
    1. VoDovahKiin
      • supporter
      • 131 kudos
      It was a lil attempt at trying to capture their personalities some.
      Thanks so much my friend 😊
  10. CuteAsDuck1
    • supporter
    • 285 kudos
    Cool & hot pics. ;)
    1. VoDovahKiin
      • supporter
      • 131 kudos
      Lol thanks so much bro πŸ˜‰