Skyrim Special Edition
Netch Leather

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  1. Alerios
    • member
    • 22 kudos
    How could you kill our little Netch ? :(

    Haha nice !
  2. Kenrox
    • member
    • 29 kudos
    Quite intriguing character, very unique look, i like the mixed styles and materials. 10/10 would endorse again.

    How to get an HUD clock like that one on the bottom left corner? I would only like to see a 24hours clock like "24 Last Seed, 14:05" and nothing else. Toggable. Is it something even possible?
    1. Alexmancer
      • member
      • 63 kudos
      The character is just one of the dunmer presets, I'll be using the character you commented on in one of my previous images. xD I just use the preset characters to test out mods and play with things. Usually I just use nord, but I have been playing with dunmer stuff, so I thought a dunmer preset would look better. (He's wearing netch leather with some tweaked textures, rafuel's telvanni mage robes for the scarf/light parts of the pauldrons, and the optional retexture on the netch leather page for the body), the gloves and boots are Elianora's Blue Telvanni Armor.

      Anyway, that's just my settings for my clock along with my personal preset for SkyHUD. It took a little tweaking to get it exactly where I wanted, but I should have it saved as a preset with FISS.