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Still using Nordic Snow in 2023. Because it looks good from a distance. But it's not so great up close.

Does anyone know a snow texture that looks good up close and doesn't have weird repetitive tiling at a distance?


  1. deleted192787967
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    I was using Nordic Snow for years as well. My favourite also in terms of color is the snow from Tamrielic Textures.
    However it can be a bit tricky to make it right when it comes to Terrain LOD Noise in a way that all Terrain LOD Noise looks good as well.
    Sad thing i cant remember my entire texture setup since i merged all my retextures into one single file after completion.
    1. hadrianus2020
      • member
      • 24 kudos
      Yeah. I mean, Pfuscher's alternate snow texture and Real Ice and Snow look great up close, but from far away they look bad.

      I've been trying to get the right combo for ages.

      Funnily enough, I remember being way more in awe of how Skyrim looked before I had ENB or parallax. When it was just Cathedral Landscapes. Lol.