Manly Monday

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  1. kozakowy
    • premium
    • 1,109 kudos
    guys are looking fantastic!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 894 kudos
      Thank you, finally back into Skyrim!
  2. Imrazon
    • premium
    • 65 kudos
    Beautiful set and vampire char 
    Have a nice weekend
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 894 kudos
      Thank you Gerd, these were some of my testing shots but I liked them ;)
  3. ChrisKley
    • supporter
    • 117 kudos
    nice to see you back into Skyrim :D
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 894 kudos
      Thanks! I doubt I will leave until TES6 comes out, if I am still alive then and/or able to play. Getting old lol :P
  4. SigynX1
    • premium
    • 69 kudos
    It looks like you had a wonderful weekend! Bjorn is a great follower. I haven't played in a while and know he updated a few times... is that his regular look or one of the looks overhaul mods? He looks great. Wonderful shots as always.

    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 894 kudos
      Thank you Sigyn. Bjorn is from the original mod, I looked at some of the make-overs and preferred the original. The original, however, does have options - three hair styles to choose from, two beard options, and tats or no tats. My guy uses loose hair style, same as shown on Bjorn in these shots, so once he gets to the point of hiring Bjorn will use the tied back version so they don't have the same hair. These shots were from testing.
    2. SigynX1
      • premium
      • 69 kudos
      Thanks for letting me know. I've been updating the mod in my MO as it updates and couldn't make up my mind on which hair to try. I like loose a lot though I might like tied back also. I look forward to seeing more photos if you post them.
  5. serkethetyt
    • premium
    • 761 kudos
    Your vamp boy look so handsome in the first shots especially! And I love Bjorn playing the lute! He is lovely!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 894 kudos
      Thanks Larys! He's a bit bloody in that shot, left over after leaving Helgen - could use a bath, which he takes in the river later :) Yea, I like Bjorn a lot.
  6. Astra2000
    • premium
    • 168 kudos
    Great dear Jon!!! 
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 894 kudos
      Thank you Frank!
  7. kestrelhawk
    • premium
    • 37 kudos
    Very much liking these looks, in both the landscapes, and, of course, the guys.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 894 kudos
      Appreciate it, thank you Kes :)
  8. etholas
    • supporter
    • 56 kudos
    Ah landscapes.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 894 kudos
      Thank you Etholas!
  9. gurleygirl
    • premium
    • 392 kudos
    Manly Monday indeed!!
    Gorgeous closeups; love those body textures.
    Jonathan, your Skyrim looks wonderful.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 894 kudos
      Many thanks Gurleygirl :) I continue to fiddle with Skyrim on a regular basis, always trying to find ways to improve it.
    2. gurleygirl
      • premium
      • 392 kudos
      I'm the same way.
      I have 2 separate builds that I'm working on using Wabbajack modlists as a base.
      There's always something new to try which means it becomes an ongoing modding cycle.
  10. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,136 kudos
    Very handsome guys Jonathan :))
    I do love the mohawk style and beard 
    Excellent captures .)
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 894 kudos
      Thanks Izzy! Yea that guy is a warrior look, may make him a follower based off Stenvar.