Skyrim Special Edition
The Ballad of Silver-Eyes - Part 1

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They all had dreams beyond the docks of Windhelm, but Silver-Eyes' dreams were so grand he was incessantly mocked by the others. They'd laugh at his prospects of fame, fortune, and worldwide renown as the best Argonian bard in all of Tamriel, but despite keeping him down, were still pleased enough to hear him play his lute at breakfast, lunch, and dinner within the assemblage. However, this was just one of his goals. The other may have been even more ambitious; liberating the Argonians of Windhelm who were forced to live like slaves. 

He inherited the instrument from Tail-Less, the one who he saw as a father figure who brought him to the dreaded city docks as a youth. Tail-Less was often seen late at night plucking the strings of the lute under the light of the moon, with Silver-Eyes sitting alongside of him. Tail-Less told the young one of their homeland to the southeast, the vast forests of Cyrodiil, the endless sands of Hammerfell, even the rainforests of Elsweyr, all places he had travelled with that very instrument in a life of adventure. He came to Skyrim with Silver-Eyes looking for a quiet retirement in a silent land, but instead found himself and the one he looked after trapped within a land of war and indentured servitude. He promised Silver-Eyes that he would get them out of there, along with the rest of the Argonians trapped within the docks of Windhelm.  

This promise was shattered by a drunk Stormcloak soldier by the name of Hroggnir patrolling the docks who brought a violent end to the life of Tail-Less. Accused of trying to break into the East Empire Office when he was simply returning to the assemblage for a good night's rest, he was attacked and viciously cut down. The others within the assemblage heard the commotion and ran out, finding Tail-Less dead on the ground, head nearly severed, and his lute several feet in front of him, which Silver-Eyes quickly retrieved. The Argonians attempted to recover Tail-Less's body to give him a proper ceremony, but the Stormcloaks refused their request and dumped his corpse in the river, laughing while they did so. 

Silver-Eyes always dreamed of being a bard, an adventurer, one who would see the entire world before his death and return to the Hist. He didn't know how realistic of a goal this was, but he knew there was at least one thing he could do to make the world a better place before leaving Windhelm behind; killing Hroggnir.