Narri redone

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What do you think about Narri, girl with an easy character from Falkreath? 
She may not be as smart as her sister, but she is definitely prettier, isn't?) 

Like if you want to get this mod.  :)

I've been finalizing the faces of Skyrim NPCs for a long time, and I've accumulated quite a few products that I still haven't published.
I usually started with vanilla faces (the reason why I never use a high poly head) to keep the similarity, but some faces I changed more stronger. In total I mean about 50 persons.
The emphasis is on the model and texture of the head, the body is standard CBBE.
The set of textures is also mine: either made from scratch, or heavily modified from someone else’s mod.
I'm currently finishing up the final details and am thinking of sharing them with you once I'm completely satisfied with the final look of each one.