Skyrim Special Edition
The Wandering Rogue

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  1. deadman1998
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    She looks amazing. Also not a knock on the face sculpture you did an amazing job but I don't think this'll fit Arissa. She looks more rugged and rough around the edge while Arissa is cheery and cunning. Like I said not a knock on your skills just saying it doesn't fit
    1. justmocia
      • premium
      • 531 kudos
      So you basically said that her original face doesn't fit her xD Because it's just a default mesh with some small tweaks and fixes. And women of Skyrim cannot be rough around the edge, since they live in very harsh environment..?
      Personality =/= appearance. I stay true to the original looks and I always will. 
    2. deadman1998
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      Ah gotcha
    3. V2od2o
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Maybe it's because the original eyebrows are an accent on her face (or because she looks very mature here), so it seems like the character's personality isn't "captured". I really like your models, though. And I'll be looking forward to seeing her in the game anyway!
    4. gnewna
      • supporter
      • 19 kudos
      Honestly totally disagree, I could tell this was Arissa straight away, looks just like her but more modern (in terms of what can be achieved with character design in Skyrim now) 
    5. deadman1998
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      Or maybe I'm just so used to the original look for her that a new one looks off. Maybe once I play with this appearance change I'll get used to it 
    6. justmocia
      • premium
      • 531 kudos
      Well, considering the fact that original Arissa uses basic head mesh and default CBBE skin textures, more detailed and realistic skin textures can make her look more mature. Still, I don't think it doesn't fit her, she's 28 yo, not 16.
    7. deadman1998
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos